Mad Magazine Recurring Features

If Norman Rockwell Depicted...

in Order of Appearance in Regular Issues

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If Norman Rockwell Depicted the 90's -
"Saturday Morning at Doc Fletchers"
Bob Bramble / Richard Williams 315 - Dec 1992
If Norman Rockwell Depicted the 90's -
"First Drug Test"
Bob Bramble / Richard Williams 317 - Mar 1993
If Norman Rockwell Depicted the 90's -
"First Day of School"
? / Richard Williams 318 - Apr 1993
If Norman Rockwell Depicted the 90's -
"Saturday Night Out With the Boys"
? / Richard Williams 323 - Dec 1993
If Norman Rockwell Depicted the 90's -
? / Richard Williams 329 - Jul/Aug 1994
If Norman Rockwell Depicted the 90's -
"Last Parking Space at the Mall"
Mike Snider / Richard Williams 351 - Nov 1996
If Norman Rockwell Depicted the 90's -
"Monday Morning Pickup"
Scott Maiko / Richard Williams 376 - Dec 1998
If Norman Rockwell Depicted the 21st Century -
"The Marriage License"
? / Richard Williams 438 - Feb 2004
The Mad 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2014
4. The Militarization of the Police Department
(If Norman Rockwell Depicted Today's America)
Desmond Devlin / Richard Williams 531 - Feb 2015
If Norman Rockwell Depicted

Excerpt from If Norman Rockwell Depicted the 90's -
"Last Parking Space at the Mall"
- from #351 - November 1996