Features, Links and the Uncategorizable

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Old and Current Pages That May Be Worth Your Time

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Exclusive catalog for
The Society of Illustrators'
“What, me panic?
Celebrating Angelo Torres” Exhibition!

Curated by Robert L. Reiner
with special thanks to Clint Morgan

May 11th – September 3rd, 2022

Click the cover to grab one of these
while they're still available.

Contains wonderful essays from prominent collectors, fans, and collaborators.

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A Few Links!

You really should check out Dick Hanchette's Mad Site.
Dick put together an excellent resource for collectors interested in all things Mad.
Dick was also the reason you looked at The Mad Cover Site for over a decade.
He gave it a very comfortable home from July 1998 to the end of 2009.
Dick passed away July 25, 2010.

Dick also put together sections on the following:
Valuable resources all!
Doug with Al Feldstein at Eastern Michigan State University Me with former Mad editor Al Feldstein
at Eastern Michigan State University 2008-1-23.
We were attending John E. Hett's
Alfred, We Hardly Knew Thee exhibition and lecture.
A temporary photo-slideshow page is here.
A more permanent page on this site is in the works
some time in 2037
(when John has nothing better to do).

"In 1974, when I was 15, I was fortunate to spend the afternoon visiting the MAD Magazine offices on MADison Ave. Along with my 2 brothers and 2 cousins, I had been a longtime (almost obsessive) MAD lover, and fantasized about someday joining the ranks of "The Usual Gang of Idiots" as one of their contributing artists. I had also amassed a large collection of EC comics." -- Read more at Drew Friedman's blog!

This post in the highly informative Open Culture site sends a lot of people my way after they've done a Google search for Mad Magazine. Poking around the endless archive, I feel smarter after every visit.

The author in this post mainly gives love to The Don Martin Dictionary on this site, but also says it's OK to have older approaches to web design, especially in MadCoverSite's case.

Dear Doug,
About 16 years ago I bought a house and really wanted to make my office something unique. I decided to laser copy some of my favorite Mad covers and use them as wallpaper. To this day I've not grown tired of looking at them, mainly because I have no business and only use my office to walk through to get to my bar out back.

Very impressive. Looks like it took a lot of work. I put all the photos you sent in a big, long strip here.
Thanks for sharing your room.

Joyce has linked to my site for eons and I never returned the favor.
Forgive me Joyce!

Communicate with all kinds of Mad types at www.madmumblings.com
(this is a dead link... but I'm always hopeful)
Mike from magazineart.org has a wealth of information on vintage magazine cover and advertising art from the golden age of American illustration.
He sent me this: "Have you looked at our section of Humor magazines lately? People need to know where MAD came from; you should put in a direct link somewhere in your discussion, say to LIFE, the Humor Magazine currently at 457 issues, for example."
Man, what a history lesson. He and his volunteers are as Mad as me, doing this stuff because they like to.
I am Bret Rugg and run a site GlobalMAD.com. It's been up since 2000. It is a forum for the discussion of MAD - globally. I am specifically interested in how MAD blends or clashes with the various local cultures. Also has a display for covers of regular issues from all countries where MAD is published. My collection is almost complete. Check it out and let's swap links.

This incredibly detailed site features
Mad's "Ferris Beuller's Day Off" parody.

Hi, Doug.
I have a large site about the German edition of MAD Magazine, including lots of cover pictures, a buyers and sellers - department and information about the issues, specials, collectibles and the history of the magazine.
I'd be very pleased, if you put a link to DEUTSCHES MAD ONLINE
(http://mad-online.home.pages.de/) on your pages. Thanks a lot.
Mario "E." Mueller

A list of Wikipedia articles that reference this site!