An Al Jaffee Studio Photo Archive

Smiling Jaffee
In late 2019, a rare opportunity arrived to document
Al Jaffee, enchanted and elusive cartooning creature, in his natural studio environment. Just before Al’s wife Joyce passed, and then the entire world shut down, one hopelessly devoted MAD Fan-Addict spent 7 months hanging out with the Fold-In man himself. Photographing anything and everything in Al’s life, a warm friendship developed between the two (mainly over a shared love of sushi), and a great deal of trust was cultivated across a vast generation gap.
The project was shuttered in its prime, but thanks to the elbow grease of Doug Gilford, these overripe fruits of documentation can be seen once again by the public.
Behold, World-Record-Holding legend Al Jaffee in his MAD cave of delights.
ECCH and HOOHAH!!----- Ian Scott McGregor
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Al in His Studio
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