Duck Edwing's MADventures of Almost Superheroes - 1990
- Artist and Writer: Don Edwing
- Contributing Writer: Nick Meglin
- Known printings: Warner 1
- Zero - featuring Baron Ficarra, El Groo, Sgt. Torres,
Perro the horse
- Mouthman gossip
- Tarzangst vs Ramur
- Ma Barklay, The Crimson Cat, and Mr. Sly
- Birdman vs Hunter-Head
- Art Nouveau learns to draw
- Buzz Orff, Meatball, Mongo, Snide, The Jaded Skull,
Chris "The Who?" Meglin
- Batface's identity
- Matt Matterhorn (Super Mountie) pursues Everett Everest
- Chick Glitz as The Revenging Rooster battles Alpine Al
- Jane gets smashed
- Robin The Hood of Sherforest Woods
- Mummy Man
- No-Nook of the North
- Noah Neversink vs Ship Face
- Jane helps Tarzangst escape from the Spotted Killer
- Apart Man
- Ms. Wonder Blunder meets modern engines
- Spruce Pain was still suspected of being Batface
- Fruitfly vs D-Mento the Demon Doctor of Ditto
- Tarzangst's treetop home
- Noah Neversink builds his ship
- Batface mobile
- The Adventures of Headlock Holmes
- The Crimson Cat tries to enter
The Bill Gaines Vault of Horror
- Buzz Orff, Mongo, Lendl Soup and tennis instructions
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