Mort Drucker's 90th Birthday Wishes

March 22, 2019

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Laurie and Mort

Mort and his daughter Laurie out for his birthday lunch.
Mort, a mediocre caricaturist will just exaggerate features. You exaggerated or expanded upon,
the core of an actor and the parts they played. With your craftmanship you demonstrate your
unsurpassed ability to - read people, and then pass your insight along to all of us. Your skills live in
our hearts and maybe you have taught all of us to read people better, and understand more.
Happy birthday.
Jack Myhervold
Thank you very much for all the funny moments over the years... Happy Birthday Mort Andy van Dahl
Happy 90th Birthday to
the greatest caricaturist ever, the one and only MAD living legend, Mort Drucker
Drew Friedman
Drew Friedman
Happy birthday Mr. Drucker,
Thank you for all the years of joy and entertainment.
Ray J. DiDia
Mort Drucker has been my art idol since before I could even read Mad Mag.
I love his style, the way he NAILS likenesses, facial expressions, even body language.
Mort, thank you for all the richness you've added to my life, and to the art world at large.
I forever salute you!
Amy Adair
The best! David Woodworth
Your work is imitated but never improved. Thanks for the laughter and the happiest of birthdays. Robert Edmond
A superstar! Mark Allen
Happy Birthday Mort! His work specifically inspired me from a very young age to
become an artist and an illustrator. I owe him many thanks for all of the hours I've
spent over the years admiring and studying his work. Much love.
Dalton Vaughn
Happy birthday you old fart!! Brent Kise
For years my husband spoke of Mort’s art work . When we finally met him, we became
the best of friends and we spent many happy days with him and Barbara. Wish we could go
back in time. Miss them and those fun days and send them much love.
Pauline Mirsky Goldberg
Mort was 30 when I began reading Mad Paul Hanson
Genius John Quigley
Excellent with TV and movie satires! Thanks for the laughs! Eric Bueneman
Astonishing that Drucker is celebrating his 90th...
making him a youngster compared to Al Jaffee's recent 98th!
Not proven science of course but I betcha
a good sense of levity can lead to longevity.
Ken Browd
Earlier this month, I took a couple pictures of his great
Man From A.U.N.T.I.E. and have found myself staring at them
repeatedly since then. One of the gold standards to be sure.
Jan Kodner
Mort Drucker was so fantastic. He was almost other-worldly with his talent.
And so effortless. Seemingly. He got every single line exactly right as if
he didn't even have to work at it.
Ace Backwords
Truly. The absolute best. Paul Olson
Brilliant man! Jeff Freeman
Nicest, most talented man I ever worked with... Kaboom J. Schneider
He was one of my favorite artists for MAD. Larry W. Depue
Happy Birthday Mort Drucker! When you would illustrate a piece I wrote
for MAD I couldn't wait until I saw all the extra background goodies you'd add to
make the piece funnier! Plus you're a great guy too! I remember in a Tarzan satire,
Tarzan is swinging across the panel on a vine, but way down below there's a tiger
in a phone booth making a call. Or aboard a spaceship where there are local
Long Island NY phone books on shelves, and a giant train wreck with two of the
RR cars marked "Lionel". Genius! God bless you Mort!
Dick DeBartolo
Happy 90th birthday to one of the greatest cartoonists and caricaturists who ever lived -
the legendary Mort Drucker. While the early MAD Magazine had a number of film and TV
parodies pre-1960, It is no exaggeration (pun intended) to say that without Mort's very unique
and incredible set of caricature and storytelling skills, MAD Magazine would never have
had movie and TV parodies as one of the staples of the publication for 60 years. When Mort
came on board they recognized his skill set and very shortly put him to work on jobs requiring
the drawing of likenesses (like the 'Bob and Ray' features) and then on to film and television
spoofs (i.e. 'continuities'). Mort quickly defined the film/TV genre with his combination of
startling caricature likenesses and realistic yet funny and exaggerated figures and environments.
He was able to straddle the fence between realistic illustration and cartooning in a way that
allowed him to capture the visual feel of the films and shows he was spoofing and still make the
art funny. Too heavy of a cartoon style takes the reader out of the film/TV show you are spoofing
and you are simple reading a cartoon version of the show. Mort's art satirized the visuals of the
subject as much as the words satirized the plots and dialogue. I've been lucky to be able to call
Mort a friend for over 20 years now. Frankly I owe him a great deal for my career. He sponsored
me for membership in the National Cartoonists Society, encouraged me to send my work to MAD,
and of course has been a great inspiration to me and many thousands of artists for well over half
a century. Happy 90th Birthday, Mort!!
Tom Richmond
Tom Richmond
I fell in love with caricature since I was kid thanks to him. Jorge Baeza
Hero, genius, inspiration. Paul Baker
Happy birthday, Mort... You greatly influenced my life and career! Dave Boatman
Mort Drucker was such a huge influence to me and probably every other caricature artist of the
last few generations! Definitely not hyperbole to call him a legend!! Happy birthday, Mort!
Mark Brill
Mort is the god of caricature. Happy Birthday, you inspired me as a kid. Maureen Entera
You've brought me endless enjoyment. I wish Happy Birthday could suffice. Mike Gannon
This mans drawings have filled my head my entire life. He is the reason I laugh at
almost everything to this day. Thank the gods for Mad Magazine and Mort!
Chris Green
Happy Birthday to Mort fantastic Drucker Boris Smith
MORT DRUCKER a unique talent plus a unique magazine touching so many lives,
have a well deserved life with your loved ones.
Christopher Roy Bullock
Have a happiest of birthdays to the greatest! Alan Bernstein
For years super famous people have stated that they only felt they really had MADE IT after
seeing that Mort had drawn them in MAD Magazine. Such high praise and what an honor it
must be to have Mort draw you. Makes me wish I were famous for that reason alone.
JJ Brent
He is part of the deepest essence of Mad. Mush Juan
I've said it before but it needs to be said repeatedly:
no one should launch a career in caricature without studying Mort Drucker.
The way he draws eyebrows and hands should be in every art textbook.
Daniel Wohl
My idol - met him once - major high point. Edward Leonard
A fantastic artist. His caricatures were so funny and spot on. Pamela Schimmelpfennig
Mort, thanks so much for all of the laughs over the years. You were a huge part of my childhood,
and as I introduce my daughter to MAD, a huge part of my adulthood as well. Happy Birthday!
Richard Ragsdale
Thank you for your great artwork! Michael Kurini
If you were given a year of life for every spark of joy that sprang into our hearts from every page
and even every panel you drew, you would live to be one Hundred Million years young!.....
I mean Billion!! Maybe Trillion!!!
Dan McConnell
My all time favorite Mad artist. Craig Hill
Absolutely love Mort Druckers work. My favourite artist period. In the early 90s I used to
photocopy (and enlarge) his Mad caricatures and put them all over my bedroom wall. I feel
priveladged to have witnessed his work while he was in his prime.
Happy Birthday Mort. Thankyou for an incredible body of work!
Gerry Nassar
One of the true great artist to grace the pages of MAD Magazine. Raymond Gallant
Happy Birthday Mort! Thanks for all the wonderful laughs you have brought the world. Jesse Guiher
Happy birthday Sir ... thank you for the best caricatures ever drawn. Rich Lynes
Happy Birthday Sir & thanks for all the happiness & laughter you brought into my life
when I really needed it !!!
Michael Clinton Hardesty
Legendary MAD magazine artist MORT DRUCKER turns 90 today....Happy Birthday, Mort.
Love this picture. What, me worry?
Alan Alda
Alan Alda
Happy birthday, stay around! Ivan Chicas
Salute! Best artist ever. Zodina Puzo Hmar
Many years of life more! Celso Santos
Mort set the standard for all caricature artists! Mike Orr
Happy 90th Birthday, Mort! MAD wouldn't have been the same without your brilliant and
brilliantly executed artwork! You were able to perfectly capture those multitudes of celebrities
from any angle, and then added your own hilarious gags in the background. And to top it off
you you are one of the sweetest, kindest, most giving people I've ever met. I send you all my love
on your birthday, and for all the rest of the days of your life. And give Barbara my love, too.
Annie Gaines Ashton
Happy birthday. Enjoy your day. I am a huge mad magazine fan . Thank you Lily Mercado
Happy Birthday!! Thank you for making me a happy person growing up reading Mad.
Been reading since the very early 60's when my cousin who was 2 years older than me showed
me his Mad. I've been enjoying them and being a smart ass since then!! Have a great day and
may you be blessed with many more birthdays! Always a fan!
Joella Alvarado
The World Encyclopedia of Comics was right to state that Mort Drucker's film and TV satires
were the backbone of the magazine. For me (from my UK perspective), Mort has been far and
away MAD's prime 'interior' artist (in a tie with Kelly Freas on covers, but I'd still choose
Mort if my arm were twisted to pick one). I first 'twigged' Mort's distinctive sig around 1960,
on 'Guns of Minestrone': not only was I gobsmacked that an American could draw Brits like
Anthony Quayle so well, but I was also nonplussed that Mort's genius was not immediately
obvious to everyone! I also used to love the little 'extra' cartoons that Mort was allowed to
drop into classic articles like 'Naked Town' and 'Doctor Kiljoy'. Kudos, too, to Al Feldstein for
spotting Mort's singular talent and helping to tease out that unique style. With Mort Drucker,
they broke the mould. Many Happies, Mort
David Robinson
(British MAD,
The uncrowned King of Cartoons Alfred E. Neumann
Best ever! Scott Richardson
I've been an intense fan since a kid Nigel Abbott
Mort Drucker was an inspiration to a pre-teen boy who loved
MAD magazine and all of those great illustrations.
Ken Fallin
I used to try to copy his work as a kid. One of my childhood heroes for sure. Bob Renaud
As a lifelong, ardent Mort Drucker fan and a one- time MAD contributor from India (Dec '71),
please convey my warmest good wishes to the GENIUS !! What an INSPIRATION he has been !!
WOW !!!
Sudhir Dar
Brilliant. Pamela Zoslov
He is a Huge influence on my style of Art and Drawing. Dean R Merit
Best caricaturist ever. I took my inspiration from him
by copying his caricatures from Mad Magazine when I was a kid.
Tom Gusewelle
Mort is legitimately a 'genius', not a word to be thrown around lightly Bradford Harriman
Happy birthday. Thanks for all the humor and artistry.
I'm 66 now and started reading and saving my MADs since 1958. A creative genius.
Ron Cohn
My childhood would have been far less fun had it not been for Mort Drucker
and MAD Magazine! Happy Birthday, Mort!
Danny Meeks
Mort was the only reason I bought MAD Magazine back in the day...
I still drool over his work... Happy being born day, Mort... may God continue to bless you.
Ted Hicks
Today is the incomparable Mort Drucker's 90th Birthday! Mort has been a pillar of the
Berndt Toast Gang for more than 30 years. When I walked in, uninvited, to my first Berndt
Toast Gang lunch I was welcomed like an old friend by the "Infallible" Creig Flessel.
We chatted for a few minutes and he said "Come meet Mort Drucker." Some people say you
should never meet your idols as they are bound to disappoint. Well, I can say it certainly
wasn't true meeting Mort. I was in awe and here was this kind, gentle, amazing soul treating
me as an equal. As anyone that has met him knows, there's not a nicer, more talented man on
the planet. The world is a better place because of Mort. Besides his incredible body of work,
he's given encouragement and shared his knowledge with any aspiring cartoonist who has asked.
That first meeting has led to a long friendship for which I am truly grateful. One day when
Mort was in my studio and saw a drawing I had done for a children's book he said, "I really like
that." Well, that was it, I could die a happy man! Mort liked something I did! So, if things are
getting you down open an old MAD issue or a book on Mort and know that not only is he
brilliant but also the best that humankind has to offer.
Adrian Sinnott
Adrian Sinnott -
Berndt Toast Gang
His sense of humour practically poured off the page! Brenna Collins
Thanks Mort,
for giving the young me dreams to pursue and the knowledge that great art can also be funny.
I pored over your drawings for hours and loved every second! Happy Birthday!!!
Rich Powell
Happiest, Mort! Thanks for the years of mirth and entertainment... You're truly one of a kind! Barry Nygma
Happy Birthday to one of the best! His work was beyond amazing! Tom Stemmle
I was fixated on his art as a much so, that I saved the magazines to this day.
I still enjoy thumbing through. I grew to recognize each of the artists styles, which were varied.
Drucker captured the critical essence in his charactutures so that I knew instantly who they were.
Wade Astin
My all time favorite MAD artist. The best caricaturist ever. Love him!! Gregory C Ward
One of my favorite MAD artists. His art made each and every film (and sometimes, television)
parody he did funny and memorable. Happy 90th!
Antonio Marques
Mort's satire pulled back the veil to show the reality of the world. So needed. Even today. Sam Parker
I started reading MAD in the 1990s and I always loved putting names to the art styles, because it
gave every piece a sense of identity and made it easy to discern which artists I liked the most.
Due to his prolificacy in the movie and TV satires, Drucker's style was easy to identify.
It always had a very distinct appearance and a way with likenesses and background gags that stood
out to me. I also remember that my aunt owned a copy of "The 776 Stupidest Things Ever Said"
which had Drucker caricatures on it. It was the first time I had seen his art in a context outside
MAD, and I was easily able to tell it was his art without even looking at the signature or book credits,
because his distinct style popped out to me that much.
Bobby Peacock
Happy Birthday to a cartooning legend. I remember the detail that went into his art.
Loved every panel.
Tim Winstead
For 60 of your 90 years, you've given me thousands of laughs and I love you for that, Mort Drucker.
Happy BirthDAY, BirthWEEK, BirthMONTH, BirthYEAR, BirthCENTURY!
So glad your mother gave birth to you!!
Steve Abramson
The king of parodies and a caricaturist non pareil. Bill Powell
I remember being surprised to see that mort drucker had drawn an old
DC Strange Adventures sci-fi story. The only place I had seen his art work was Mad.
Nobody else could capture the actors like he could.
Christie Powell
He and Jaffee showing that laughter and a great sense of humor are the key to a long, fun life. Jay Amber Chuppe
I like telling people that my spiritual guru was Alfred E. Neuman just to see who gets it -- but MAD
did more to shape my thinking than any other single factor, and you were uppermost and integral
among the influential geniuses who were part of that! Thanx for helping me cope with life and the
world with humor and critical thinking, because God knows that's getting to be more of a necessity
every day!
Richard Onley
Probably the greatest caricature artist of all time. Pete Wood
Happy Birthday, Mort. Lots of love out here for you!
Mort with Doug
Doug Gilford