The Fundalini Project
Mad Magazine #438, February 2004, was a very special issue because it introduced the world to...
It became one of the most popular sections of the magazine until issue #550, showcasing the work of old and new idiot contributors in a rapid-fire, compact format.
It would have been even better if within the first 62 issues (#438 through #499) Mad had put the name of the contributor next to each contribution! They opted to put a catch-all "Friends of Fundalini" list at the end of the pages instead.
When you're an idiot who likes to build accurate lists of contributors and their contributions, this has a way of stopping you just short...
I've managed to get some help from Jerry Moore, S. J. Johnson and at least one agreeable art-director, but there's more matching to be done.
Mad Kids came on the scene during this time with its 14 issues in a similar approach to The Fundalini Pages with Alfred's Brain Drool. I'm attempting to match contributors within this series, a little more challenging task because some of the droolings contain reprints of past regular issue Mad material, so I'm trying to note those original sources when they become evident.

You can email me at to help out the project. Thanks!
Writers are the toughest. You all know who you are. Take some credit!