What, Me Latin?
Paul, This is a really excellent question, but I forgot what I learned in my 3rd-grade Latin class! So I looked for a good Latin translator on the net and found Luciano Nardone's site for help at: www.italatin.com/. He was kind enough to answer the question at no charge: "What, Me Worry?" translates into "Quid, me anxius?" Then it hit me like a ton of useless Roman columns! Mad had a translation on the cover of issue #65. But there was a minor difference with the word "Sum" on the end. I asked Luciano if it mattered and got the following response: "Quid, Me Anxius Sum?" is a question you ask to yourself >> "What, am I worried?" "Quid, Me Anxius?" is the answer we give to somebody who has told us we are worried about something >> "What, do you say I am worried?" Both sentences are perfectly acceptable. Only the point of view is different. I think the first case with the "Sum" most fits Alfred's point of view, proving once again the accuracy and value of Mad as an educational resource. Thanks Luciano! |
And thanks to Jonothon for pointing out that "the Latin translation first
appeared on the cover of issue #51, inside of the drum under the Alfred
It's a little different than the other cover, however: "Quid, me vexari?"
"Quid, Me Vexari?" is the question we ask to somebody we love and care about, but is not listening to our advice, "What, are you going to let me worry?"
OK, I get it now... I think.