Mad #373 September 1998
- Cover Artist: James Bennett
- Ad for Subscriptions (C2)
- Contents Page (1)
- Letters (2-3)
- Jose Guerrero - Cherokee, NC
- Daryl Horton - Green Bay, WI
- Emily L. - Washington, MI
- Aaron Carter - Burbank, CA
- Mad - Special Hanson Edition - Hypa1, Snowz14, ADIDAleoD, Popcyc1, VPKT, Hanson7258, llive4ITZ
- Stefanie Wetteland - Portland, OR
- Dave Berg makes cover of Pipes and Tobaccos magazine
- Ad for Tales Calculated to Drive You Mad #5 - Fall 1998
contains reprints of comics #13, #14, and #15 - Frank Jacobs text
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas
**various places around the magazine
- Orwreck XL Vacuum (ad parody)
(written by John Prete / Hermann Mejia art) (4)
- Sleep Impact (movie satire)
(written by Dick DeBartolo / Mort Drucker art) (5-9)
- Spy vs. Spy -
dummy astronaut h-bomb (Peter Kuper) (10-11)
- Mad's Blueprint for Boosting Baseball's Popularity
(John Caldwell) (12-15)
- Minimum Wage Job Aptitude Test
(written by Mike Snider / Timothy Shamey art) (16-17)
- Monroe &... Back-to-School
(written by Anthony Barbieri / Bill Wray art) (18-20)
- The Old Sportsmanship versus The New Sportsmanship
(written by Mike Snider / Keith Seidel art) (21-23)
- Ginger Spice's Farewell Letter
(written by Desmond Devlin) (24-25)
- Pop-Off Video - Marcy Playground "Sex & Candy"
(written by Desmond Devlin) (26)
- The Lighter Side of... (Dave Berg) (27-30)
- Melvin & Jenkins Guide to Summer Camp
 (written by Desmond Devlin / Kevin Pope art) (31-33)
- Countdown to Armageddon
(written by Mike Mikula / Tom Bunk art) (34-37)
- The Freakland Mint Proudly Presents
Commemorative Plates of Revisionist History (written by Stan Hart / James Warhola art) (38-39)
- A Mad Look at the Boss (Sergio Aragones) (40-42)
- Mad Investigates the Psychic Hotline Business
(written by Desmond Devlin / Rick Geary art) (43-46)
- Pop-Off Video - Natalie Imbruglia "Torn"
(written by Desmond Devlin) (47)
- Mad's Celebrity Cause-Of-Death Betting Odds:
Leonardo DiCaprio (written by Mike Snider / Hermann Mejia art) (48)
- Fold-In -- What company has a lot of people
going wild over its bottom line? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
- Back Cover -- A Street Sign We're Afraid We'll See
(Sam Viviano art)
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