* |
A |
The 2-Hour School of Dentistry |
Charlie Kadau, Joe Raiola |
296 - Jul 1990 |
A |
Choke - The Magazine For People Who Enjoy Smoking |
Charlie Kadau, Joe Raiola |
297 - Sep 1990 |
A |
The Mad People Watcher's Guide to an Airport |
Mike Snider |
299 - Dec 1990 |
A |
Small Scale Examples of How History Repeats Itself! |
Dan Birtcher |
302 - Apr 1991 |
A |
The New Benchmarks, Records and Barriers That Mankind is Rapidly Approaching - Part II |
Mike Snider |
303 - Jun 1991 |
A |
Rotten Places Where Waldo Really Would Have to Hide |
Desmond Devlin |
304 - Jul 1991 |
A |
Salesmen's Claims and Come-Ons That Should Set You Running |
Dick DeBartolo |
306 - Oct 1991 |
A |
The Three... |
Andrew J. Schwartzberg |
310 - Apr 1992 |
A |
Customer Satisfaction Surveys We'd Really Like to See |
Cary Pepper |
311 - Jun 1992 |
A |
Airbag Safety Devices for Everyday Living |
Matthew T. Smith |
312 - Jul 1992 |
A |
Mad's Cross-Section of State Lottery Winners |
Desmond Devlin |
313 - Sep 1992 |
A |
The Lost Playground of Kids Your Parents Always Told You About |
Barry Liebmann |
314 - Oct 1992 |
A |
Mad Salutes Columbus - Highlights of His 1492 Voyage |
Frank Jacobs |
315 - Dec 1992 |
A |
The Hidden Emotional Cost of Things |
Dan Birtcher |
317 - Mar 1993 |
A |
Mad 'Snowglobes' Shaken From Today's Headlines |
Michael Goodwin |
318 - Apr 1993 |
A |
Pick Up Lines to Use in Less Than Sterling Situations |
Lori Kolman |
319 - Jun 1993 |
A |
Least Common Accidents and Injuries in America |
Mike Snider |
321 - Sep 1993 |
A |
Here's Mad's Reasons Not to Visit Disney World This Year! |
Charlie Kadau |
322 - Oct 1993 |
A |
Mad Goes to a Skinhead Convention |
Stan Hart |
323 - Dec 1993 |
A |
Mad's 1993 Washington Lobbyist All-Stars |
Charlie Kadau, Joe Raiola |
324 - Jan 1994 |
A |
Scenes as Played Out In Different Types of Movies |
Terry Copeland |
325 - Feb 1994 |
A |
Every Single New Year's Eve... |
Desmond Devlin |
325 - Feb 1994 |
A |
Just When You Think It Can't Get Any Worse... |
Frank Jacobs |
326 - Mar 1994 |
A |
Things You Never Want to Experience if Your Anesthesia Wears Off in the Middle of Your Surgery |
Dennis Snee |
327 - May 1994 |
A |
Mad Tours a Typical Film School |
Stan Hart, Chris Hart |
330 - Sep 1994 |
A |
The Up Side of Terrorism |
Desmond Devlin |
331 - Oct 1994 |
A |
The Bill Clinton MTV Song Book - "I'll Do Anything For Votes" sung to the tune of "I'll Do Anything For Love" |
Frank Jacobs, see issue |
331 - Oct 1994 |
A |
America's Most Noteworthy Science Fair Projects...That Lost! |
Charlie Kadau, Joe Raiola |
332 - Dec 1994 |
A |
margin art around "Second Hand Cancer" |
Mad TV - 1995 |
A |
More Frugal Books You Can Expect to See - The Frugal Religious-Cult Leader |
Mike Snider, see issue |
333 - Jan 1995 |
A |
Untrue Spies (movie satire) |
Stan Hart |
333 - Jan 1995 |
A |
How to Pick Lottery Numbers the Mad Way |
Barry Liebmann |
334 - Mar 1995 |
A |
How Many Mistakes Can You Find in This Picture of a Real Estate Infomercial? |
Chris Hart |
335 - May 1995 |
A |
Other Interesting Infinity Combinations |
Desmond Devlin |
336 - Jun 1995 |
A |
You're a Winner and a Loser |
Desmond Devlin |
338 - Aug 1995 |
A |
Are You a Shopaholic? |
John Prete |
339 - Sep 1995 |
A |
These Days We Consider Ourselves Lucky... |
Butch D'Ambrosio |
341 - Dec 1995 |
A |
Opening Lines to Unhappy Stories |
Greg Eckler |
344 - Apr 1996 |
A |
Mad's Beatles Songbook - "Talk-Show Fan" sung to the tune of "Nowhere Man" |
Frank Jacobs, see issue |
345 - May 1996 |
A |
Back Cover -- The Zit |
Michael Gallagher |
345 - May 1996 |
A |
Back Cover -- A Soho Success Story |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
347 - Jul 1996 |
A |
The Extremely Ultimate Fights |
Desmond Devlin |
348 - Aug 1996 |
A |
Little Known Facts About America's Hottest Tourist Attractions |
Andrew J. Schwartzberg |
349 - Sep 1996 |
A |
Kathie Lee's 12 Warning Signs That You're Working in a Sweatshop |
John Caldwell |
350 - Oct 1996 |
A |
Tell-It-Like-It-Is Video Rental Categories |
Russ Cooper |
354 - Feb 1997 |
A |
Mad Weighs the Pros & Cons |
Barry Liebmann |
355 - Mar 1997 |
A |
Cover Border Artist -
- Alfred Xeroxing |
356 - Apr 1997 |
A |
One Grim Day in a Waiting Room |
Sean Eisenporth |
356 - Apr 1997 |
A |
Mad-sterpiece Theater: Sportsdunk |
Charlie Kadau, Joe Raiola |
357 - May 1997 |
A |
One Fine Day at the Cult Compound |
Mike Snider |
360 - Aug 1997 |
A |
Video Arcade Personalities - Volume I |
Sean Eisenporth |
361 - Sep 1997 |
A |
The Mad People Watcher's Guide to a Typical U.S. Corporation |
Mike Snider |
362 - Oct 1997 |
A |
Mad-sterpiece Theater: Sadistic "Simon Says" |
Butch D'Ambrosio |
364 - Dec 1997 |
A |
Christmas Carols for Dysfunctional Families |
Frank Jacobs |
365 - Jan 1998 |
A |
Video Arcade Personalities - Volume II |
Sean Eisenporth |
366 - Feb 1998 |
A |
Back Cover -- Zelinski & Jarvis - The Young Interns |
Sean Eisenporth |
366 - Feb 1998 |
A |
Cover Border Artist -
- Buffy - The Vampire Slayer |
John Caldwell |
367 - Mar 1998 |
A |
Body Modification Trends of the Future |
Brian Farrelly Sean Farrelly |
369 - May 1998 |
A |
Obscure North American Soccer League 1998-1999 Preview |
Jeff Kruse Grey Blackwell |
370 - Jun 1998 |
A |
The Mall-Rat Olympics |
Mike Snider |
372 - Aug 1998 |
A |
Countdown to Armageddon |
Mike Mikula |
373 - Sep 1998 |
A |
Back Cover -- For the Birds |
Michael Gallagher |
374 - Oct 1998 |
A |
Really Smart Uses for Cell Phones |
Dennis Snee |
376 - Dec 1998 |
A |
The Mad 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 1998 5. The Flag Burning Amendment That Won't Die - "Your Congressmen Explain Their Stance on the Flag-Burning Amendment" |
Desmond Devlin |
377 - Jan 1999 |
A |
The 10 Rules of Computer Tech Support |
Dick DeBartolo |
378 - Feb 1999 |
A |
The Mad Repertory Players Present Mad-sterpiece Theater: The Home Schlocking Network's "Beanie Baby Hour" |
Desmond Devlin |
379 - Mar 1999 |
A |
Back Cover -- What a Jerk! |
Michael Gallagher |
380 - Apr 1999 |
A |
Brutally Honest Flight Attendant Announcements |
Amy Gillett |
381 - May 1999 |
A |
One Fine Day at the Chiropractors' Convention |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
382 - Jun 1999 |
A |
Back Cover -- The Morning Feeding |
Michael Gallagher |
383 - Jul 1999 |
A |
U.S.S. Desperation Singles Cruise |
Barry Liebmann |
384 - Aug 1999 |
A |
Back Cover -- Artist At Work |
Michael Gallagher |
388 - Dec 1999 |
A |
The Mad 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 1999 1. Y2K Panic |
389 - Jan 2000 |
A |
Mad's Etiquette Guide for Drunk Drivers |
Butch D'Ambrosio |
391 - Mar 2000 |
A |
Half Fact / Whole Fact |
Butch D'Ambrosio |
392 - Apr 2000 |
A |
Mad's Commencement Address for the Class of 2000 |
Mike Snider |
394 - Jun 2000 |
A |
Back Cover -- Magnetic Personality |
Michael Gallagher |
394 - Jun 2000 |
A |
Back Cover -- The American Dream |
Michael Gallagher |
396 - Aug 2000 |
A |
Selecting the Right High School Clique for You - The Shredder Clique |
Mike Snider, see issue |
397 - Sep 2000 |
A |
Back Cover -- The Rock Concert |
Michael Gallagher |
397 - Sep 2000 |
A |
Using DNA Testing For Questions We Really Want Answered |
John Prete |
399 - Nov 2000 |
A |
"Internet Ready Keyboard" Icons That Tell It Like It Is |
Dick DeBartolo |
400 - Dec 2000 |
A |
Specialized State Death Penalties |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
402 - Feb 2001 |
A |
A Bloody Mess |
Michael Gallagher |
403 - Mar 2001 |
A |
Mad Closing Credits for a Typical Movie Theatre Audience |
Russ Cooper |
405 - May 2001 |
A |
The Mad Mall Directory |
Mike Snider John Sazaklis |
409 - Sep 2001 |
A |
New Questions Based on the Stanley Kraplan SAT Prep Course |
Amy Gillett |
411 - Nov 2001 |
A |
ATM Safety Rules That Banks Should Post |
Dick DeBartolo |
412 - Dec 2001 |
A |
What Goes Down Must Come Up |
Michael Gallagher |
414 - Feb 2002 |
A |
12 Signs You May Be Too Wired |
Mike Snider |
418 - Jun 2002 |
A |
How to Spice Up Your Video Will |
Jeff Kruse |
421 - Sep 2002 |
A |
Where Do They Get Off...? |
Stan Sinberg |
422 - Oct 2002 |
A |
Who's Who in the Army of Protesters Against Grand Theft Auto Vice City |
Mike Snider |
426 - Feb 2003 |
A |
Mad Artists Pay Tribute to The Lighter Side Of... |
Dave Berg, see issue |
427 - Mar 2003 |
A |
Other Medical "Surveys" The Public Never Heard About |
Andrew J. Schwartzberg |
428 - Apr 2003 |
Mad Idiot of the Issue - FAQs and Stats |
XL #22 - Jul 2003 |
A |
The Gamer's Guide to Functioning in the Real World |
Kenny Byerly Scott Bricher |
433 - Sep 2003 |
A |
Snippets of Cell Phone Conversations We's Love to Hear the Rest of... |
Butch D'Ambrosio |
433 - Sep 2003 |
A |
Where Do They Get Off? - Vol. II |
Stan Sinberg |
435 - Nov 2003 |
A |
Absolute Latest, Up-to-the-Minute Pick-Up Lines |
Mike Snider |
436 - Dec 2003 |
A |
The Mad 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2003 2. Britney and Madonna Shamelessly Swap Spit - "Garbage Pail Kiss" - (Garbage Pail Kids sticker parody) |
437 - Jan 2004 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - The 5 Stages of Superbowl-Office Pool Bettor Grief |
438 - Feb 2004 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Mad's Exclusive Transcript of Britney Spears' and Jason Alexander's Wedding Vows |
440 - Apr 2004 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - New Socially Acceptable Stereotypes |
441 - May 2004 |
A |
The Prize is Slight! (TV satire) |
Dick DeBartolo |
442 - Jun 2004 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - The First Five Guys in Line to See Spider-Man 2 |
444 - Aug 2004 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - WiFi Wonderland |
449 - Jan 2005 |
A |
Things We Definitely Won't Miss About Buying CDs |
Jacob Lambert |
451 - Mar 2005 |
A |
If the Star Wars Galaxy Had Classified Ads |
David Shayne |
455 - Jul 2005 |
A |
What's in Your Living Will? |
Teresa Burns Parkhurst |
457 - Sep 2005 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Innovative Provisions of the New National Hockey League Agreement |
459 - Nov 2005 |
A |
Mad 2006 Calendar |
460 - Dec 2005 |
A |
Go Fetch! |
461 and Classics #4 - Jan 2006 |
A |
American Idol Also Rans: Where Are They Now? |
Jeff Kruse |
462 - Feb 2006 |
A |
History's Most Famous Boogers |
Jacob Lambert |
Mad Kids #2 - Mar 2006 |
A |
The Sights and Sounds of the 2006 World Cup |
Jeff Kruse |
467 - Jul 2006 |
A |
Phrases We Swear We Heard on an Infomercial |
Jeff Kruse |
468 - Aug 2006 |
A |
The DMV Road Test For the Real World |
Jacob Lambert |
470 - Oct 2006 |
A |
A TV Commercial We'd Like To See - SqueezeBag Storage Packs |
Dick DeBartolo |
471 - Nov 2006 |
A |
Questions We'd Like to Ask the Turkey Hotline |
Scott Maiko |
472 - Dec 2006 |
A |
Naggy 911 (TV satire) |
Dick DeBartolo |
475 - Mar 2007 |
A |
The Biggest Lardass (TV satire) |
Desmond Devlin |
477 - May 2007 |
A |
Everyday Pet Peeves of Transformers |
Jacob Lambert |
480 - Aug 2007 |
A |
The Mad Guide For Public Speakers, Volume One: Phrases to Absolutely Avoid When Delivering A Eulogy... |
Jeff Kruse |
481 - Sep 2007 |
A |
Mad's 50 Worst Things About Advertising |
see issue |
482 - Oct 2007 |
A |
1 Is Worse Than 100 (TV satire) |
Dick DeBartolo |
483 - Nov 2007 |
A |
Juggles - The Juggling Juggler Who Juggles |
Mo Willems |
484 - Dec 2007 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Things You Don't Want to Hear from a High School Guidance Counselor |
Jeff Kruse |
486 - Feb 2008 |
A |
Mad Presents The Whitest Kids U' Know (special advertising section) - "Polite War" |
Whitest Kids - Feb 2008 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - How to Tell a Terrorist from a Regular Schmoe |
489 - May 2008 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Amazing, Incredible & Awesome Products to Look for in the Next Wave of... Billy Mays Infomercials |
491 - Jul 2008 |
A |
Mad's International Preview of the Beijing Olympics |
Desmond Devlin |
492 - Aug 2008 |
A |
Game On! - Where's Wall-E? |
Scott Cunningham |
Mad Kids #12 - Sep 2008 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Fundalini Voter Guide to Third Party Candidates |
Jeff Kruse |
495 - Nov 2008 |
A |
Comments You'll Never Hear No Matter How Long You Live |
Darren Johnson |
496 - Dec 2008 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Signs Your Bank is in Big Trouble |
497 - Jan 2009 |
A |
The Dead Celebrity Apprentice (TV satire) |
Desmond Devlin |
500 - Jun 2009 |
A |
500 Issues of Mad: A Visual History - Mad Issues 301-400 "The Rush to Antietam" |
see issue |
500 - Jun 2009 |
A |
500 Issues of Mad: A Visual History - Mad Issues 401-500 "Beginnings" |
see issue |
500 - Jun 2009 |
A |
A TV Commercial We'd Like to See - Scam Wow! |
Dick DeBartolo |
501 - Oct 2009 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Medical Myths You Just Shouldn't Believe |
Jeff Kruse |
502 - Jan 2010 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Product Acronyms You Never Knew Existed |
Darren Johnson |
503 - May 2010 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - New Problems Popping Up In Toyotas |
504 - Aug 2010 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - The Kitchen Sink - WebMD's Strangest Searches |
505 - Oct 2010 |
A |
It Happened One Morning |
Michael Gallagher |
505 - Oct 2010 |
A |
Artist Tribute Mini Poster |
Mad Presents Spy vs Spy - Jan 2011 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - World of Warcraft Character of NBA Nickname? |
Jeff Kruse |
507 - Feb 2011 |
A |
Undercover Boob (TV satire) |
Dick DeBartolo |
508 - Apr 2011 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Surprises to Watch For in the 2011 Baseball Season |
Jeff Kruse |
509 - Jun 2011 |
A |
Yawn Stars (TV satire) |
Dick DeBartolo |
510 - Aug 2011 |
A |
Dictators Next to be Overthrown |
Jeff Kruse |
511 - Oct 2011 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - 50 years - 1961-2011 (fold-out poster insert) |
see issue |
511 - Oct 2011 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - The Fast Five - How to Curb Fan Violence in Pro Sports |
Jeff Kruse |
513 - Feb 2012 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Favorite Dog Breeds of the Zombie Community |
Jeff Kruse |
514 - Apr 2012 |
A |
Inappropriate Questions to Ask During a Job Interview |
Matt Lassen |
514 - Apr 2012 |
A |
The 50 Worst Things About America |
see issue |
515 - Jun 2012 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Transformers 2012: The Rise of Mitt Romney |
Desmond Devlin |
517 - Oct 2012 |
A |
New Shows on the All-Pirate Network |
Frank Santopadre |
518 - Dec 2012 |
A |
The Mad 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2012 18. The Mayan Calendar - Prophet and Loss |
Jeff Kruse |
519 - Feb 2013 |
A |
Mad's Tom Bunk Visits a High School Lunchroom |
520 - Apr 2013 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - The Speedy Six - Other Admissions Made By Lance Armstrong |
Jeff Kruse |
521 - Jun 2013 |
A |
Storage Boors (TV satire) |
Dick DeBartolo |
522 - Sep 2013 |
A |
A Fairy Tale We'd Like to See: Goldilocks |
Matt Lassen |
523 - Oct 2013 |
A |
A "Duck Dynasty" Closing Prayer We'd Like to Hear |
Desmond Devlin |
524 - Dec 2013 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Rand Paul Responds To Accusations Of Plagiarism |
Desmond Devlin |
525 - Feb 2014 |
A |
Mad's Guide to Proper All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Etiquette |
Dick DeBartolo |
526 - Apr 2014 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Things You Don't Want to Hear at a Sobriety Checkpoint |
Jeff Kruse |
527 - Jun 2014 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Things You Don't Want to Say at a Sobriety Checkpoint |
Jeff Kruse |
527 - Jun 2014 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Historical Inaccuracies in Noah |
Jeff Kruse |
528 - Aug 2014 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Positive Things About the Time Warner Cable / Comcast Merger |
Dick DeBartolo |
529 - Oct 2014 |
A |
Mad Deconstructs TV Talk Shows - TMZ Live and TMZ on TV |
Desmond Devlin |
530 - Dec 2014 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Questions We'd Love to See a Trainer Ask a Woozy NFL Player |
Jeff Kruse |
531 - Feb 2015 |
A |
The Mad Vault Article From #325 -- Every Single New Year's Eve... |
Desmond Devlin |
531 - Feb 2015 |
A |
Few Joke Girls (TV Satire) |
Mike Morse |
532 - Apr 2015 |
A |
Mad's Tom Bunk Visits a Weird Al Concert |
533 - Jun 2015 |
A |
Things You Don't Want to Hear from Your Uber Driver |
Matt Lassen |
534 - Aug 2015 |
A |
Mad's Tom Bunk Visits The Eiffel Tower |
535 - Oct 2015 |
A |
MessyChef Junior (TV satire) |
Dick DeBartolo |
536 - Dec 2015 |
A |
13 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Hoverboards |
538 - Apr 2016 |
A |
One Day at the Eating Championship |
Lance Hansen, Kit Lively |
539 - Jun 2016 |
AW |
Mad's Tom Bunk Visits Coney Island |
540 - Aug 2016 |
A |
A Closer Look at Your Cell Phone Bill |
Kenny Keil |
541 - Oct 2016 |
A |
Billboards for Highly Specialized Attorneys |
Scott Maiko |
542 - Dec 2016 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - The Fast Five - The Real Reasons Why Angelina Jolie is Divorcing Brad Pitt |
543 - Feb 2017 |
A |
One Day at the Doctor's Office |
Kit Lively |
543 - Feb 2017 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Questions You Shouldn't Ask When Buying a Car |
Matt Lassen |
544 - Apr 2017 |
A |
Decimated Survivor (TV satire) |
Arnie Kogen |
545 - Jun 2017 |
A |
What's That Smell? |
Charlie Kadau |
546 - Aug 2017 |
A |
The Mad Vault Article from #380 -- What a Jerk! |
Michael Gallagher |
547 - Oct 2017 |
A |
The Mad Vault Article from #484 -- Juggles - The Juggling Juggler Who Juggles |
Mo Willems |
547 - Oct 2017 |
A |
The Mad Vault Article from #523 -- A Fairy Tale We'd Like to See: Goldilocks |
Matt Lassen |
547 - Oct 2017 |
AW |
Mad's Tom Bunk Visits Walt Disney World |
548 - Dec 2017 |
A |
Gotcha - Mug Shots of Common (But Despicable) Criminals self-portrait and caricature of Frank Santopadre |
see issue |
550 - Apr 2018 |
A |
Selected Observations from Random Autopsies |
Jeff Kruse |
550 - Apr 2018 |
AW |
Mad's Tom Bunk Gets Stranded in Hollywood |
2 - Aug 2018 |
AW |
Mad's Tom Bunk Goes Trick or Treating |
4 - Dec 2018 |
AW |
Mad's Tom Bunk Goes to Hell |
10 - Dec 2019 |
A |
Cover Artist - - MAD Mocks Music |
13 - Jun 2020 |
AW |
A Mad Guide to Radical Self-Improvement |
14 - Aug 2020 |
AW |
Dastardly Dr. Bunk's MAD Monster Lab!! |
16 - Dec 2020 |
AW |
MAD's Tom Bunk Visits the Senior MAD Home |
28 - Dec 2022 |
AW |
Remembrance - Mad Remembers Al Jaffee - 1921-2023 |
see issue |
32 - Aug 2023 |
A |
Cover Artist - - MAD Uglifies Beauty |
42 - Apr 2025 |