Toggle cover for large/small views
- The Swallowing (TV satire) (written by Arnie Kogen / Tom Richmond art) (12-17)
- Spy vs. Spy - swiss army knife chopper / umbrella bat (Peter Kuper) (18-19)
- Planet TAD!!!!! (written by Tim Carvell) (20-21)
- Ad For Subscriptions with #94 bonus print (22)
- The Mad 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2013 (Irving Schild intro page photo) (23)
- 1. The Dysfunctional U.S. Congress - "National Buffoons' Abysmal House" -
(National Lampoon's Animal House movie poster parody) (written by Jay Rath / Tom Richmond art) (24-25)
- 2. The Boston Bomber and Rolling Stone -
(four other covers: bon appétit, Cat Fancy, Field & Stream, weightwatchers) (26)
- 3. Weiner and Spitzer Attempt a Comeback - "Wangs of New York" -
(Gangs of New York movie poster parody) (written by Desmond Devlin / Drew Friedman art) (27)
- 4. Miley Cyrus Appears on the VMAS - "Buns of Anarchy" -
(Sons of Anarchy TV parody poster) (Scott Bricher art) (28-29)
- 5. The Winklevoss Twins' Bitcoin Venture - "Fake Money: The Bitcoin Issue" -
(Money magazine cover parody) (Mike Loew art) (30)
- 6. Manti Te'o's Dead "Girlfriend" - "Hawaiian Punk'd" -
(Hawaiian Punch ad parody) (written by Darren Johnson / Mick Coulas art) (31)
- 7. Ikea Serves Up Horse Meat - "Ikea Instruction Sheet: Svedish Meatball" (32)
- 8. Obama's Drone Policy - "The Drone Ranger" -
(The Lone Ranger movie poster parody) (Mike Loew art) (33)
- 9. George Zimmerman - "Curious George Zimmerman Beats the Rap" -
(Curious George book parody) (written by Darren Johnson / Gary Hallgren art) (34-35)
- 10. Dennis Rodman, Our North Korean Ambassador - "Dennis and The Menace" -
(Dennis The Mennace comic strip parody) (written by Desmond Devlin / Gary Hallgren art / Jim Campbell color) (36)
- 11. The Obamacare Website Launch - "White House Website Down" -
(White House Down movie poster parody) (written by Frank Santopadre / PJ McQuade art) (37)
- 12. The CBS/Time Warner Cable Dispute - A Greed Tragedy (written by Dick DeBartolo) (38)
- 13. Russia Passes Anti-Gay Laws -
"Russia's National Destiny Can Only be Imperiled by Two Dudes Kissing" - (older Soviet-style propaganda poster parody) (written by Desmond Devlin / Peter Kuper art) (39)
- 14. Paula Deen Drops The N-Word - "Fried and Prejudice" -
(Pride and Prejudice book cover parody) (written by Matt Lassen / Roberto Parada art) (40)
- 15. Obama's Bluff on Syria's Chemical Weapons -
"Red Linings Playbook" - (Silver Linings Playbook movie poster parody) (41)
- 16. The Leaking of Classified Documents - "Abercrombie & Snitch" -
(Abercrombie & Fitch catalog ad parody) (written by Desmond Devlin / Scott Bricher art) (42)
- 17. Reese Witherspoon's DWI Incident - "Legally Bombed" -
(Legally Blonde movie poster parody) (Richard Williams art) (43)
- 18. The NSA Spying On Everyone - "Blurred Laws" -
(Blurred Lines song parody) (written by Mike Morse / Hermann Mejia art) (44-45)
- 19. The NRA's "More Guns" Solution - "The Big Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Theory" -
(The Big Bang Theory TV poster parody) (written by Mike Morse / Sam Sisco art) (46)
- 20. What chemical-using villain could not be brought to justice in 2013? -
Fold-In (alex rodriguez) (Al Jaffee) (47)
- The Strip Club (48-49)
- Ad for tons of Mad books (50-51)
- A Mad Look At Sleepovers (Sergio Aragones / Tom Luth color) (52-55)
- The Best of The Idiotical (stuff from Mad's blog) (56)
- A Justin Bieber Great Wall of China Twitpic We'd Love to See
- Kim Kardashian's Birthday Selfie
- Emoji Biographies
- The Startling Similarites and Differences
Between Grand Theft Auto V and the Obamacare Website
- Dos Equis Presents Fascinating Facts About The Least Interesting Man in the World
- Ad For Inside Mad book (C3)
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