(written by Anthony Barbieri / Bill Wray art) (20-23)
- Mad's Celebrity Cause-Of-Death Betting Odds: Eddie Murphy
(written by Mike Snider / Hermann Mejia art) (26)
- The 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2001 (introduction page) (27)
- 1. Jerry Falwell Attacks America - "A.I.: Asinine Ideology" -
(A.I.: Artificial Intelligence movie poster parody) (Angelo Torres art) (28)
- 2. Substance Abuse As A Career Move - "The 12 Steps of Celebrity Rehab"
(written by Mike Mikula / Drew Friedman art) (29)
- 3. Little League Team, Major League Lie -
"Mad's Modern Little League All-Star Trading Cards"
(written by Mike Snider / Ray Alma art) (30)
- 4. Bill Clinton's $10 Million Book Deal - "One Nation Under Me" (book cover parody)
(written by Arie Kaplan / Scott Bricher art) (31)
- 5. Anne Heche Says "Bye Bi" -
"Yep, I'm Not Gay" (Time magazine cover parody) (written by Greg Leitman) (32)
- 6. Nascar's Crash Course in Recklessness - "Introducing NASCAR's New Pace Car"
(written by Don (Duck) Edwing / AP & Wide World photo) (32)
- 7. Michael Jordan's Comeback - "Jordan at the Hoop" - (Casey at the Bat poem parody)
(written by Frank Jacobs / Mort Drucker art) (33)
- 8. The High Court Sends Medical Marijuana Up In Smoke - "At Least They're Not High" -
(Because I Got High - Afroman song parody) (Hermann Mejia art) (34)
- 9. McVeigh's Death Lottery -
"A Lottery Ticket They Might As Well Have Used" (written by Jeff Kruse / Keith Seidel art) (35)
- 10. The IRS Rebate - (a letter to taxpayers from the IRS) (written by Dick DeBartolo) (35)
- 11. The Great McSwindle - "The Honest Monopoly Game Board That Would Have Kept McDonald's Out of Trouble" (written by Charlie Kadau / research Cheryl Spitzer) (36)
- 12. Puff Daddy's "P. Diddy" Name Change - "P. Diddy Diddy Bang Bang" -
(Chitty Chitty Bang Bang movie poster parody)
(written by Greg Leitman / Mark Fredrickson art) (37)
- 13. China Gets the Oympics, Human Rights Gets the Shaft
(written by Don (Duck) Edwing / AP & Wide World photo) (38)
- 14. Elton Duets With Eminem - "The Homey Sexual LP" (album parody)
(written by Greg Leitman / Hermann Mejia art) (38)
- 15. "Grizzly" Al Gore - "Other Bearded Looks Al Gore Considered...and Rejected"
(written by Scott Maiko / Scott Bricher art) (39)
- 16. The Dreadfully Awful, Really Bad XFL -
"The Differences Between the NFL and the XFL" (John Caldwell) (40-41)
- 17. The Bush Daughters' Un-Happy Hour -
"Mad Offers Authentic Fake I.D.S so the Bush Daughters
Can Eat, Drink and Drink Some More" (40-41)
- 18. Dennis Tito Attempts to Buy a Russian Trip to Space - "2001: A Space Idiocy" -
(2001: A Space Odyssey movie poster parody) (written by Greg Leitman / Richard Williams art)
- 19. Cloning / Gary Condit - Fold-In (Al Jaffee) (43)
- 20. What - Mad Sell Out? - "A MAD Cover We'll Soon See"
(written by Patrick Merrell / Norman Mingo and Patrick Merrell art) (44)
- The Sopranos Family Circus (written by Frank Jacobs / Jack Syracuse art) (45-47)
- Season's Greetings 2001 from the Usual Gang of Idiots (Paul Coker, Jr. art) (48)

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