Mad #298 October 1990
- Cover Artist: Richard Williams
- Ad for Super Special Spring 1991 - Rock Super Special (C2)
- Contents Page (1)
- "TV would be a lot more worthwhile if they shot
fewer shows and more producers!" -- Alfred E. Neuman
- Ad for Subscriptions featuring A Pretentious Compendium of Mad's Very Best Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions by Al Jaffee and Mad Zaps the Human Race! by Frank Jacobs
Big Book Bonuses
- Letters (entire page devoted to readers'
reponses to New Kid's on the Block #296 article) (2-3)
- Ad for Al Jaffee's Mad (Yeech!) Rejects Paperback
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas
**various places around the magazine
- Grimlins PTU! - The New Botch (movie satire)
(written by Stan Hart / Mort Drucker art) (4-8)
- Drama on Page 9 -
swallowing airborne popcorn (John Caldwell) (9)
- Really Difficult Is...
 (written by Frank Jacobs / Paul Coker, Jr. art) (10-12)
- The Obnoxious Sports Fan's Supply Catalogue
(written by Tom Koch / Jack Davis art) (13-15)
- "Hey - Look Behind You!"
(written by Mark D'Amico / Al Jaffee art) (16-17)
- The Lighter Side of... (Dave Berg) (18-22)
- RoboCrap2 (movie satire)
(written by Stan Hart / Angelo Torres art) (23-27)
- Don (Duck) Edwing Really Axe Up! (28-29)
- Really Appropriate Brand Name Sound Effects
(written by Russ Cooper / John Pound art) (30-31)
- Spy vs. Spy - fake cage bars rotate into guns
(written by Don (Duck) Edwing / Bob Clarke art) (32)
- Teen-Rage Moolah Nitwit Turtles! (movie satire)
(written by Dick DeBartolo / Sam Viviano art) (33-36)
- Drama on Page 37 -
nun smoking section (John Caldwell) (37)
- The Lambada in Everyday Life (Paul Peter Porges) (38-39)
- Mad's Handy Clues, Hints and Tipoffs That You're
Really, Unquestionably, Without a Doubt Stipud! (written by Dan Birtcher / Sergio Aragones art) (40-41)
- The Usual Gang of Mad Artists Takes a Look at Endangered Species of the Music World (written by John S. Marshall / Mort Drucker, Paul Peter Porges, Sam Viviano, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragones, John Caldwell, Al Jaffee, Rick Tulka, Don (Duck) Edwing, Dave Berg, Paul Coker, Jr., Angelo Torres art) (42-44)
- Villains Awaiting Batman's Return to TV (45-47)
(written by Charlie Kadau and Joe Raiola / Rick Tulka art)
- Mad Curses!!!
(written by Joy Chonoles / Greg Theakston art) (48)
- Fold-In -- What have we gotten out of George Bush's
"Thousand Points of Light" so far? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
- Back Cover -- Absolut Truth. (written by Al Jaffee)
(Irving Schild photo / Stephen Hausler computer art)
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