* |
A |
Motorist Beware! |
Al Feldstein |
30 - Dec 1956 |
A |
Greeting Cards |
31 - Feb 1957 |
A |
Why the 35mm Camera Replaced the Box Camera |
Arnie Rosen |
31 - Feb 1957 |
A |
Greeting Cards |
31 - Feb 1957 |
A |
Back Cover -- Travel Stickers |
31 - Feb 1957 |
A |
The Steve Allan Story |
32 - Apr 1957 |
A |
The Bad Seat (movie satire) |
Paul Laikin |
32 - Apr 1957 |
A |
What's Happened to Sports Magazines? |
32 - Apr 1957 |
A |
The MAD Dating Technique |
32 - Apr 1957 |
A |
Vending Machines of the Future |
Frank Jacobs |
33 - Jun 1957 |
A |
Hollywood is Ruining Marlin Brando |
33 - Jun 1957 |
A |
High-School Dance |
33 - Jun 1957 |
A |
Future Drive-Ins |
34 - Aug 1957 |
A |
Products and Props for TV Commercials, Inc. |
E. Nelson Bridwell |
34 - Aug 1957 |
A |
TV Guise (magazine parody) |
Paul Laikin |
34 - Aug 1957 |
A |
Back Cover -- Picture Postcards |
34 - Aug 1957 |
A |
Cars to Match Careers |
Frank Jacobs |
35 - Oct 1957 |
A |
Mad Beats the Heat |
Frank Jacobs |
35 - Oct 1957 |
A |
Mad's Up-To-Date Sky |
Frank Jacobs |
35 - Oct 1957 |
A |
Future Specialized Magazines |
Paul Laikin |
35 - Oct 1957 |
A |
Personalized TV Antennas |
36 - Dec 1957 |
A |
Blind Date |
36 - Dec 1957 |
A |
Raw Guts - The Magazine for He-Men |
Paul Laikin |
36 - Dec 1957 |
A |
A Martian Field Guide to U.S. Wild Life - 1957 edition |
Frank Jacobs |
36 - Dec 1957 |
A |
Mad's Xmas Toys |
Paul Krassner |
37 - Jan 1958 |
A |
Mad's Xmas Games |
Albert Meglin |
37 - Jan 1958 |
A |
Mad Goes HiFi |
Frank Jacobs |
37 - Jan 1958 |
A |
Wha' For... Sport Cars |
Dave Berg |
38 - Mar 1958 |
A |
Revised New Up-To-Date Alphabet Book |
38 - Mar 1958 |
A |
Crazy Mixed-Up Mismatched Matchbook Covers |
Frank Jacobs |
38 - Mar 1958 |
A |
Mad Wallpaper |
Albert Meglin |
38 - Mar 1958 |
A |
Mad Looks at Endorsements |
Frank Jacobs |
38 - Mar 1958 |
A |
Typewriters to Fit Your Trade |
Frank Jacobs |
39 - May 1958 |
A |
Scratchpad Doodles |
39 - May 1958 |
A |
Sneaky Advertisements |
Paul Krassner |
39 - May 1958 |
A |
Opera Record Albums |
39 - May 1958 |
A |
The Saturday Evening Pest (magazine satire) |
Tom Koch |
39 - May 1958 |
A |
Mad Trading Stamps |
Tom Koch |
40 - Jul 1958 |
A |
Mad Solves College Overcrowding Problem With "Carefully Planned" Alfred E. Neuman University |
40 - Jul 1958 |
A |
Summer Vacation Guide |
Tom Koch |
40 - Jul 1958 |
A |
Future "Of-The-Month" Clubs |
Frank Jacobs |
40 - Jul 1958 |
A |
Snob Appeal vs. Slob Appeal |
Frank Jacobs |
41 - Sep 1958 |
A |
Henry Morgan's The New, Improved, Rotten Circus |
Henry Morgan Wally Wood |
41 - Sep 1958 |
A |
What If You Did What They Told You On TV? |
Dee Caruso Bill Levine |
42 - Nov 1958 |
A |
25 Cent Children's Books |
Tom Koch |
42 - Nov 1958 |
A |
Mad Mood Music |
Paul Laikin |
42 - Nov 1958 |
A |
Houses to Match Your Personality |
Frank Jacobs |
42 - Nov 1958 |
A |
Future Magazine Mergers |
Tom Koch |
43 - Dec 1958 |
A |
Health Chairs |
Al Jaffee |
43 - Dec 1958 |
A |
Special Lamps for Reading Magazines |
43 - Dec 1958 |
A |
Coming Musicals |
Frank Jacobs Larry Siegel |
43 - Dec 1958 |
A |
The Smithshop |
Al Jaffee |
43 - Dec 1958 |
A |
International Advertising |
Frank Jacobs |
44 - Jan 1959 |
A |
Custom-Made Christmas Cards |
Frank Jacobs |
44 - Jan 1959 |
A |
Next Year's Extra-Long Book Titles |
Carl Memling |
44 - Jan 1959 |
A |
Body-Building and Weight-Lifting |
Al Jaffee |
45 - Mar 1959 |
A |
Photos of Poetry in Motion |
Al Jaffee |
45 - Mar 1959 |
A |
Business Valentines |
Frank Jacobs |
45 - Mar 1959 |
A |
Modern Auto Accidents |
Al Jaffee |
46 - Apr 1959 |
A |
Modern Architecture |
Al Jaffee |
46 - Apr 1959 |
A |
The Happy Endings Weren't So Happy |
Sy Reit |
46 - Apr 1959 |
A |
Mothers Day Cards from Special People |
Frank Jacobs |
47 - Jun 1959 |
A |
The Battle of the Credit Cards |
Al Jaffee |
47 - Jun 1959 |
A |
Movie Posters for Packing In Every Type of Audience |
Frank Jacobs |
47 - Jun 1959 |
A |
Little Known Organizations |
Paul Laikin |
48 - Jul 1959 |
A |
Bridge - The Aristocrat of Card Games |
Al Jaffee |
48 - Jul 1959 |
A |
How You Look to Other People |
Buddy Basch |
48 - Jul 1959 |
A |
Miracle Fabrics |
Al Jaffee |
48 - Jul 1959 |
A |
Mad Looks at Book Clubs |
Frank Jacobs |
49 - Sep 1959 |
A |
America's Dream Car |
Sy Reit |
49 - Sep 1959 |
A |
Mad's Specialized Resorts Section |
Paul Laikin |
49 - Sep 1959 |
A |
How to Fight the Small Car Threat |
Al Jaffee |
50 - Oct 1959 |
A |
Women in Whiskey Ads |
Al Jaffee |
50 - Oct 1959 |
A |
What Our Teenagers Really Think About |
Dave Berg |
50 - Oct 1959 |
A |
The Night Peter Gone Cracked (TV satire) |
Larry Siegel |
50 - Oct 1959 |
A |
Painting By the Numbers |
Al Jaffee |
51 - Dec 1959 |
A |
The Mad Guide to Handwriting Analysis |
Frank Jacobs |
51 - Dec 1959 |
A |
Madison Avenue Turns to History and Literature |
Larry Siegel |
51 - Dec 1959 |
A |
Mad Labels bonus |
Trash #2 - Ann 1959 |
A |
The Mad 1960 Calendar - Cover page, February, December |
Larry Siegel, see issue |
52 - Jan 1960 |
A |
Protest Letters |
Sy Reit |
52 - Jan 1960 |
A |
Mad's Modern Folk Music |
Tom Koch |
52 - Jan 1960 |
A |
Living Space |
Al Jaffee |
52 - Jan 1960 |
A |
Personalized Merchandising |
Frank Jacobs |
53 - Mar 1960 |
A |
Society Page |
Larry Siegel |
53 - Mar 1960 |
A |
Skiing |
Dave Berg |
53 - Mar 1960 |
A |
Ad Testimonials from Politicians |
Tom Koch |
54 - Apr 1960 |
A |
Educational Billboards |
Tom Koch |
54 - Apr 1960 |
A |
You Can Learn A Lot When You Go Through People's Garbage |
Frank Jacobs |
54 - Apr 1960 |
A |
Mail by Missile |
Sy Reit |
54 - Apr 1960 |
A |
Mad Beats the TV Plug Crackdown |
Paul Krassner |
55 - Jun 1960 |
A |
Cigarette Geography |
Sy Reit |
55 - Jun 1960 |
A |
Mother's Day Cards from Some Children Who Didn't Turn Out Very Well |
Frank Jacobs |
55 - Jun 1960 |
A |
The Garbage Explosion |
Sy Reit |
56 - Jul 1960 |
A |
Honest Ads |
Tom Koch |
56 - Jul 1960 |
A |
The U.S. Army Chicken Officer's Field Manual |
Larry Siegel |
56 - Jul 1960 |
A |
Madison Avenue Surplus Sale |
Al Jaffee |
57 - Sep 1960 |
A |
Reproportioning Photographs for Fun and Mainly Profit |
Frank Jacobs |
57 - Sep 1960 |
A |
TV Ads We'd Like to See - The Bann Roll-On Commercial |
Larry Siegel |
57 - Sep 1960 |
A |
Successful Merchandising - Or How to Stay in Business With One Crumby Product |
Frank Jacobs |
58 - Oct 1960 |
A |
Sailing |
Al Jaffee |
58 - Oct 1960 |
A |
Critical Reviews of Everything |
Gary Belkin |
58 - Oct 1960 |
A |
The Mad "Down-To-Earth" Coloring Book |
Sy Reit |
58 - Oct 1960 |
A |
If Doctors Advertised |
Gary Belkin |
59 - Dec 1960 |
A |
Commercial Roulette |
Gary Belkin |
59 - Dec 1960 |
A |
How They Spent Their Summer |
Gary Belkin |
59 - Dec 1960 |
A |
Dear Mr. Gaines, the publisher, Please excuse my son, the editor, for not putting anything on this page, but he was home sick today! Sincerely, Mrs. Feldstein |
Gary Belkin |
59 - Dec 1960 |
A |
Cover Artist -
- Mad Congratulates Richard Nixon |
60 - Jan 1961 |
A |
Furd Foulcar (ad parody) |
60 - Jan 1961 |
A |
TeeVee U. |
Sy Reit |
60 - Jan 1961 |
A |
Educational Toys |
Al Jaffee |
60 - Jan 1961 |
A |
Back Cover - Mad Congratulates John Kennedy |
60 - Jan 1961 |
A |
Janes Seamless Stockings (ad parody) |
Al Jaffee |
61 - Mar 1961 |
A |
Playkid -- Entertainment for Tots (magazine parody) |
Larry Siegel |
61 - Mar 1961 |
A |
Mad's 1961 TV Preview |
Gary Belkin |
61 - Mar 1961 |
A |
The Total Sell (Consumerwise) |
Sy Reit |
62 - Apr 1961 |
A |
Greeting Cards with Enclosures |
Phil Hahn |
62 - Apr 1961 |
A |
Mail Order Gift Catalogues |
Al Jaffee |
62 - Apr 1961 |
A |
Specialized Breakfast Foods |
Bob Margolin |
63 - Jun 1961 |
A |
The Minute After That One-Minute TV Commercial |
Sy Reit |
63 - Jun 1961 |
A |
Paperback Roulette |
Sy Reit |
63 - Jun 1961 |
A |
Take TNT and See (ad parody) |
64 - Jul 1961 |
A |
If There'd Been a Madison Avenue Down Through History |
Sy Reit |
64 - Jul 1961 |
A |
A Mad Guide for Baby Sitters |
Al Jaffee |
64 - Jul 1961 |
A |
A Career Awaits You in the Modern Army |
Dean Norman |
64 - Jul 1961 |
A |
How Madison Avenue Could Sell America to the World |
Paul Laikin |
65 - Sep 1961 |
A |
TV Commercials With Suspense |
Tom Koch |
65 - Sep 1961 |
A |
Karate |
Jack Mendelsohn |
65 - Sep 1961 |
A |
Yellowed Pages |
Al Jaffee |
66 - Oct 1961 |
A |
Little-Known Medical Crusades |
Sy Reit |
66 - Oct 1961 |
A |
Future Telephone Triumphs |
Al Jaffee |
66 - Oct 1961 |
A |
Mad's Suggestions For Use of the New Army Rocket Belt |
Al Jaffee |
67 - Dec 1961 |
A |
Advertising Space on Road Signs |
Earle Doud |
67 - Dec 1961 |
A |
Sunday Comics (bonus): Miss Peachy, Beagle Bagle, Peanutz, Smokey Stogie, The Do-Little King |
see issue |
Worst #4 - Ann 1961 |
A |
Celebrities' Wallets - Barry Goldwater |
Arnie Kogen |
68 - Jan 1962 |
A |
The Truth About Secret Ingredients |
Sy Reit |
68 - Jan 1962 |
A |
Model Building Kits for Adults |
Frank Jacobs |
69 - Mar 1962 |
A |
Padded Magazine Stories |
Tom Koch |
69 - Mar 1962 |
A |
The Infernal Triangle |
Lois Carpenter |
69 - Mar 1962 |
A |
TV Dinners to Match the Shows |
Sy Reit |
69 - Mar 1962 |
A |
More Efficient Snow Removal |
Al Jaffee |
70 - Apr 1962 |
A |
Celebrities' Wallets - Jerry Lewis |
Arnie Kogen |
70 - Apr 1962 |
A |
Some Valentines We Seldom Get to See |
Jimmie Hodges-Fitzgerald |
70 - Apr 1962 |
A |
Some Pages from a Satirist's Notebook |
Howard Schneider |
70 - Apr 1962 |
A |
Another Mad Peek Through the Microscope |
Phil Hahn |
70 - Apr 1962 |
A |
Famous Test Papers |
Arnie Kogen |
71 - Jun 1962 |
A |
Mad's Journal of Future Physical Afflictions |
Howard Schneider |
71 - Jun 1962 |
A |
Mad Mother's Day Gift Suggestions |
Tom Koch |
72 - Jul 1962 |
A |
A Mad Guide to "Do-It-Yourself" TV Repairs |
Al Jaffee |
72 - Jul 1962 |
A |
The Subtle Science of Packaging |
Don Reilly |
73 - Sep 1962 |
A |
Back Cover -- The Alfred E. Neuman "Hex" Sign |
73 - Sep 1962 |
A |
If Corporations Ran Their Own Summer Camps |
Larry Siegel |
74 - Oct 1962 |
A |
A Celebrity's Wallet - Vince Edwards |
Arnie Kogen |
74 - Oct 1962 |
A |
Volksbuggen - Pesky Import |
Al Jaffee |
75 - Dec 1962 |
A |
Kids Letters to Other World Leaders |
Pearl Belkin |
75 - Dec 1962 |
A |
Superstitions |
Jack Mendelsohn |
75 - Dec 1962 |
A |
A Celebrity's Purse - Elizabeth Taylor |
Arnie Kogen |
75 - Dec 1962 |
A |
When Advertising Takes Over Magazines Completely |
Paul Laikin |
76 - Jan 1963 |
A |
Mad's Merry Christmas Happy New Year Alphabet Book |
Frank Jacobs |
76 - Jan 1963 |
A |
Back Cover -- Guzzlemidt Rotgut |
Lester Krauss |
76 - Jan 1963 |
A |
Letters That Cross in the Mail |
Dick DeBartolo |
77 - Mar 1963 |
A |
Yacht Flags for the Home |
George Gladir |
77 - Mar 1963 |
A |
A Mad Look at Travel |
Don Reilly |
77 - Mar 1963 |
A |
How Parents Guess Wrong About Their Kids' Future Careers |
Don Reilly |
78 - Apr 1963 |
A |
Modern Chess |
Al Jaffee |
78 - Apr 1963 |
A |
Back Cover -- Old Croc Whiskey |
78 - Apr 1963 |
A |
How to Succeed at Childhood |
Pearl Belkin |
79 - Jun 1963 |
A |
Cherished Pages from Old Autograph Albums |
Stan Hart |
80 - Jul 1963 |
A |
Misery is a Cold Hot Dog (book parody) |
Larry Siegel |
80 - Jul 1963 |
A |
Cover Artist -
- Behind the 8-ball |
81 - Sep 1963 |
A |
The Mad Plan for Beating TV Commercial-Breaks |
Al Jaffee |
81 - Sep 1963 |
A |
Popular Scientific Mechanics (magazine satire) |
Al Jaffee |
81 - Sep 1963 |
A |
Mad's Report on Progress |
Dick DeBartolo |
82 - Oct 1963 |
A |
The Trend Toward Swimming Pools as a New "Status Symbol" |
Sy Reit |
82 - Oct 1963 |
A |
The Army On Mars |
Tom Koch |
83 - Dec 1963 |
A |
Paperback Book Cover Bonus |
Jack Rickard |
Follies #1 - Ann 1963 |
A |
Some Mad Hints for the Coming Xmas Season |
Dick DeBartolo |
84 - Jan 1964 |
A |
A Mad Guide to Hypnotism |
Phil Hahn |
84 - Jan 1964 |
A |
Famous Protest Campaigns |
Larry Siegel, Stan Hart Frank Jacobs |
85 - Mar 1964 |
A |
The Real Story Behind the News |
Stan Hart |
85 - Mar 1964 |
A |
Insecurity is a Pair of Loose Swim Trunks (book parody) |
Larry Siegel, Stan Hart Frank Jacobs |
86 - Apr 1964 |
A |
New School Letters for Unheralded Achievements |
Arnie Kogen |
86 - Apr 1964 |
A |
Fighting the War Against Junk Mail |
Larry Siegel, Stan Hart Frank Jacobs |
86 - Apr 1964 |
A |
Watch That Price With the Asterisk |
Al Jaffee |
87 - Jun 1964 |
A |
The Great Cigarette Filter Tip War |
Al Jaffee |
87 - Jun 1964 |
A |
Back Cover -- Contact Continuously Contagious Capsules |
Al Jaffee |
87 - Jun 1964 |
A |
Comics for Publications That Don't Have Comics |
Larry Siegel, Stan Hart Frank Jacobs |
88 - Jul 1964 |
A |
Another Mad Peek Through the Microscope |
Phil Hahn |
89 - Sep 1964 |
A |
The Mad Guide to Power Boating |
Dick DeBartolo |
89 - Sep 1964 |
A |
Louise Cramm's Realistic Mad Scrapbook |
Stan Hart |
90 - Oct 1964 |
A |
Auto Accessories We'd Like to See |
Don Reilly |
90 - Oct 1964 |
A |
A Celebrity's Wallet - Ringo Starr |
Arnie Kogen Frank Frazetta |
91 - Dec 1964 |
A |
Why Not Warnings on All Packages! |
Stan Hart |
91 - Dec 1964 |
A |
illustration in Contents section |
Follies #2 - Ann 1964 |
A |
Letters from Santa Claus |
Stan Hart |
92 - Jan 1965 |
A |
Mad "Get-Well" Cards for People with Emotional Ailments |
Phil Hahn |
92 - Jan 1965 |
A |
Back Cover -- I Just Put a Gas Station Attendant in My Tank! |
92 - Jan 1965 |
A |
I Got All the Finks I Need (book parody) |
Larry Siegel |
93 - Mar 1965 |
A |
A Mad Look at Signs of the Times |
Al Jaffee, Don Reilly Dick DeBartolo |
93 - Mar 1965 |
A |
Mad's Valentines to American Industry |
see issue |
94 - Apr 1965 |
A |
Famous People's Home-Study Courses |
Al Jaffee |
94 - Apr 1965 |
A |
Back Cover -- Canadian Club - Alcoholics Anonymous |
Lester Krauss |
94 - Apr 1965 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Arnie Kogen |
95 - Jun 1965 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Arnie Kogen |
95 - Jun 1965 |
A |
Back Cover -- A Scene We'd Like to See - The Little Wooden Puppet |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
95 - Jun 1965 |
A |
Substandard Brands, Inc. |
Ronald Axe Sol Weinstein |
96 - Jul 1965 |
A |
Mad's Seed and Garden Catalog |
Frank Jacobs |
96 - Jul 1965 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Arnie Kogen |
97 - Sep 1965 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Arnie Kogen |
98 - Oct 1965 |
A |
The Mad United States Foreign Policy Primer |
Larry Siegel |
98 - Oct 1965 |
A |
Let's Humanize Those Automated Machines |
Stan Hart |
99 - Dec 1965 |
A |
A Celebrity's Wallet - Soupy Sales |
Arnie Kogen |
99 - Dec 1965 |
A |
A Mad Guide to the Wildlife of Our American Highways |
Frank Jacobs |
99 - Dec 1965 |
A |
Cover Artist - - Alfred with Mad Zeppelin |
Worst #8 - Ann 1965 |
D Cn Pa |
The Mad Zeppelin (bonus insert) |
Worst #8 - Ann 1965 |
A |
The Wonderful World of Re-Packaging |
Dick DeBartolo |
100 - Jan 1966 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Arnie Kogen |
100 - Jan 1966 |
A |
Back Cover -- The Replacement |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
100 - Jan 1966 |
A |
The Mad Suburban Primer |
Stan Hart |
101 - Mar 1966 |
A |
Some Mad Suggestions for Other "Ridiculous Ad Images" |
Phil Hahn Jack Hanrahan |
102 - Apr 1966 |
A |
New Board Games We'd Really Like to See |
Patrick McGivern |
102 - Apr 1966 |
A |
Some "Purchase Tags" Few People Ever Get to See |
Dick DeBartolo |
103 - Jun 1966 |
A |
The Mad Hypocrite Primer |
Stan Hart |
103 - Jun 1966 |
A |
Stereotype-Casting By the Numbers |
Frank Jacobs |
104 - Jul 1966 |
A |
Road Signs We'd Really Like to See |
Phil Hahn Jack Hanrahan |
104 - Jul 1966 |
A |
Mad Looks at the "Voice-Typewriter" |
Stan Hart |
104 - Jul 1966 |
A |
Mad Licenses |
Stan Hart |
105 - Sep 1966 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Arnie Kogen |
105 - Sep 1966 |
A |
Back Cover -- White Knight Changes Green Dragon Into White Dragon |
Bob Schochet |
105 - Sep 1966 |
A |
A Mad Look at the Joys of Scuba Diving (A Study in Depth) |
Al Jaffee Dick DeBartolo |
106 - Oct 1966 |
A |
The Mad Comic Strip Characters' Forum on Current Affairs |
Frank Jacobs Dotty Brooks |
107 - Dec 1966 |
A |
Cover Artist - - Alfred makes Mad Mobile |
Follies #4 - Ann 1966 |
A |
introduction page for The Mad Mobile bonus |
Follies #4 - Ann 1966 |
D Ex |
The Mad Mobile (bonus insert) |
Follies #4 - Ann 1966 |
A |
assembly instructions page for The Mad Mobile bonus |
Follies #4 - Ann 1966 |
A |
Ads for Other 1967 Vehicles |
Dick DeBartolo |
108 - Jan 1967 |
A |
A Mad Shopping Guide to Gifts for Finks |
Stan Hart |
108 - Jan 1967 |
A |
How Various Magazines Might Handle the Same Cartoon Situation |
Al Jaffee |
109 - Mar 1967 |
A |
Back Cover -- The K.E.N.T. Society (Knowledge Ends Needless Tumors) |
Vic Cowen |
109 - Mar 1967 |
A |
Comic Strip Heroes Taken From Real Life |
Frank Jacobs |
111 - Jun 1967 |
A |
Everyday Guts Magazine |
Larry Siegel |
113 - Sep 1967 |
A |
The Cats Are All Bats by Dr. Seuss - My First Book For Adults |
Larry Siegel |
114 - Oct 1967 |
A |
Cover Artist -
- We don't try very hard! |
115 - Dec 1967 |
A |
Mad Mintlies |
William Garvin |
115 - Dec 1967 |
A |
"Protest Buttons" Through History |
Stan Hart |
115 - Dec 1967 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Arnie Kogen |
115 - Dec 1967 |
A |
Cover Artist -
- Take A Trip |
116 - Jan 1968 |
A |
Mad's Christmas Cards to Seasonal Exploiters - To the Liquor Industry |
Frank Jacobs see issue |
116 - Jan 1968 |
A |
Ads We Never Got to See |
Dick DeBartolo |
116 - Jan 1968 |
A |
Mad Graffiti Found on Various Washroom Walls |
Arnie Kogen |
117 - Mar 1968 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Arnie Kogen |
117 - Mar 1968 |
A |
The Mad "Fad & Fetish" Primer |
Stan Hart |
119 - Jun 1968 |
A |
Mother's Day Cards Down Through History |
Frank Jacobs |
120 - Jul 1968 |
A |
Some Mad Articles You Never Got to See - The Mad Crime Alphabet Book |
Frank Jacobs see issue |
120 - Jul 1968 |
A |
New "Protests" to the Same Old Tunes |
Tom Koch |
121 - Sep 1968 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Arnie Kogen |
122 - Oct 1968 |
A |
Mad's Updated Comic Strip Heroes |
Max Brandel |
122 - Oct 1968 |
A |
More Effective Advertising Spaces |
Paul Peter Porges |
123 - Dec 1968 |
A |
Mad's Follow-Up Report on Progress |
Dick DeBartolo |
124 - Jan 1969 |
A |
If Comic Characters Were Psychoanalyzed |
Frank Jacobs |
125 - Mar 1969 |
A |
Mad's Color Puzzle Page |
Al Jaffee |
126 - Apr 1969 |
A |
If Comic Strips Covered the Burning Issues of the Day |
Frank Ridgeway |
126 - Apr 1969 |
A |
The Mad Plan to Beautify America With Integrated Highway Signs |
Dick DeBartolo |
126 - Apr 1969 |
A |
Games People Play |
Ronnie Nathan |
126 - Apr 1969 |
A |
Signs of Status |
Al Jaffee |
127 - Jun 1969 |
A |
Cover Artist -
- ...never read class in Mad... |
Max Brandel |
128 - Jul 1969 |
A |
A Hawk's-Eye View of the United States |
Max Brandel |
128 - Jul 1969 |
A |
Some "Greeting Cards to the Newlyweds" We'd Like to See |
Frank Jacobs David Hunter |
128 - Jul 1969 |
A |
A Mad Portfolio of Appropriate Comic Strip Sound Effects |
Earle Doud |
128 - Jul 1969 |
A |
The Anatomy of a Movie Ad Campaign |
Dick DeBartolo |
129 - Sep 1969 |
A |
Dr. Benjamin Spock - Teenage Care |
Larry Siegel |
129 - Sep 1969 |
A |
The Mad Book of Etiquette and Good Manners |
Frank Jacobs |
130 - Oct 1969 |
A |
Mad "Nasty Cards" (bonus insert) |
see issue |
Follies #7 - Ann 1969 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Arnie Kogen |
132 - Jan 1970 |
A |
Playthings Based on TV Commercials |
Lou Silverstone |
132 - Jan 1970 |
A |
Condemner Reports Magazine |
Dick DeBartolo Irving Schild |
132 - Jan 1970 |
A |
Mad's "Do-It-Yourself" Modern Movie Ads |
Sy Reit |
133 - Mar 1970 |
A |
A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at the U.S. Congress |
Lou Silverstone |
133 - Mar 1970 |
A |
Progress |
Max Brandel |
134 - Apr 1970 |
A |
Ads We Can Look For After the Next Successful Space Mission |
Dick DeBartolo |
134 - Apr 1970 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Arnie Kogen |
135 - Jun 1970 |
A |
A Mad Look at Footprints |
Dean Norman |
135 - Jun 1970 |
A |
Mad's Modernized College Entrance Exam |
Tom Koch |
135 - Jun 1970 |
A |
Mad Condolence Cards for Life's Other Tragedies |
Frank Jacobs |
136 - Jul 1970 |
A |
What They Say and What It Really Means |
George Hart |
137 - Sep 1970 |
A |
Ads For Movie Revivals |
Frank Jacobs |
139 - Dec 1970 |
A |
The Mad Blow-Your-Mind Drug Primer |
Sy Reit |
140 - Jan 1971 |
A |
A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at a Shopping Center |
Stan Hart |
141 - Mar 1971 |
A |
A Mad Look at Tropical Fish |
Earle Doud |
141 - Mar 1971 |
A |
Cover Artist - - Mad "Wall-Nuts" |
Norman Mingo |
Special #2 - Spr 1971 |
A |
Mad "Wall-Nuts" (bonus insert) |
Norman Mingo |
Special #2 - Spr 1971 |
AD |
Trucks to Match Their Products |
Max Brandel |
Special #2 - Spr 1971 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Arnie Kogen |
142 - Apr 1971 |
A |
Mother's Day Cards From the "Now Generation" |
Frank Jacobs |
143 - Jun 1971 |
A |
Back Cover -- Our American Heritage |
Max Brandel |
143 - Jun 1971 |
A |
Future Callbacks By Manufacturers |
Elaine Dunn, Victor Cowen |
Special #3 - Sum 1971 |
A |
A Mad Look at Adam & Eve |
Marylyn Ippolito |
Special #3 - Sum 1971 |
A |
A Collection of Mad X-Rayvings |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
144 - Jul 1971 |
A |
Greeting Cards for the Sexual Revolution |
Frank Jacobs |
145 - Sep 1971 |
A |
bonus "Burn, Baby, Burn!" poster |
Special #4 - Fall 1971 |
A |
bonus "My Country... Right On!" poster |
Special #4 - Fall 1971 |
A |
A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at a Resort Hotel |
Larry Siegel |
146 - Oct 1971 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Arnie Kogen |
147 - Dec 1971 |
A |
A Mad Look at Pet Owners |
Stan Hart |
147 - Dec 1971 |
A |
Fairy Tales As Told By Today's Celebrities |
Frank Jacobs |
Special #5 - Win 1971 |
A |
Individualized Caskets |
Norm Doherty |
Special #5 - Win 1971 |
A |
Prosperity |
Max Brandel |
Special #5 - Win 1971 |
A |
If the Characters in "Peanuts" Aged Like Ordinary People |
Frank Jacobs |
148 - Jan 1972 |
A |
A Mad Guide to the Political Climate of the U.S. |
Michael Wren |
149 - Mar 1972 |
A |
Ads That Turn People Off - From Firms and Services That Can't Handle the Business They've Got Already |
Dick DeBartolo |
150 - Apr 1972 |
A |
You Know You're Days Are Numbered When... |
Tom Koch |
151 - Jun 1972 |
A |
The Value of Magazines |
Al Jaffee |
Special #6 - Sum 1972 |
A |
Mad Photoons |
Max Brandel |
152 - Jul 1972 |
A |
Criminal Types Dept. |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
152 - Jul 1972 |
A |
A Microscopic Look at Modern-Day Bacteria |
Frank Jacobs Max Brandel |
153 - Sep 1972 |
A |
The House of Krudd - Mail Order Gift Catalogue |
Tom Koch |
155 - Dec 1972 |
A |
Mad's "Practical" New Car Designed to Eliminate Owner Aggravation |
Dave Gantz |
Special #8 - Win 1972 |
A |
Another Sickening Collection of Mad Greeting Cards |
Earle Doud |
Special #8 - Win 1972 |
A |
Paperback Artist -  |
Dick DeBartolo |
MADvertising - 1972 |
A |
Christmas Greedings |
Al Jaffee |
156 - Jan 1973 |
A |
You Know You've Really Got a Problem When... |
Tom Koch |
156 - Jan 1973 |
A |
Oz - Revisited - or...
Let's Follow the Yellow Brick Road Again... If We Can! |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
157 - Mar 1973 |
A |
American Trash and Trivia Company's Head Shop Supplies - Wholesale Catalogue |
Tom Koch |
158 - Apr 1973 |
A |
Patterns of Speech |
Max Brandel |
158 - Apr 1973 |
A |
Global Impressions |
Max Brandel |
159 - Jun 1973 |
A |
Future Enlistment Posters |
Dick DeBartolo Don Epstein |
159 - Jun 1973 |
A |
"The Nostalgic Mad #1" cover recreation |
Harvey Kurtzman |
Special #9 - Sum 1973 |
A |
A Mad Peek Into Some Legendary Medicine Cabinets |
Paul Peter Porges |
Special #9 - Sum 1973 |
A |
Tell-Tale Comic Strip Balloons |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
160 - Jul 1973 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Arnie Kogen |
161 - Sep 1973 |
A |
More Mad Photoons |
Max Brandel |
161 - Sep 1973 |
A |
Protest Songs for Life's Everyday Complaints |
Frank Jacobs |
161 - Sep 1973 |
A |
Teaching History Through Television |
Paul Peter Porges |
Special #10 - Fall 1973 |
A |
The Mad Laboratory Report on Noise |
Frank Jacobs |
Special #10 - Fall 1973 |
A |
Old Standards Rewritten For the Liberated Woman |
Frank Jacobs Ms. M. Pesek |
162 - Oct 1973 |
A |
Graffiti Through History |
Paul Peter Porges |
163 - Dec 1973 |
A |
Malice in Wonderland or "Watergate - Through the Looking Glass" as Predicted by Lewis Carroll |
Lou Silverstone |
163 - Dec 1973 |
A |
Mad Road Signs Through History |
Paul Peter Porges |
Special #11 - Win 1973 |
A |
A Mad Peek at What They're Really Writing |
Paul Peter Porges |
Special #11 - Win 1973 |
A |
When All Businesses Rely on Sales Promotion Gimmicks |
Tom Koch |
164 - Jan 1974 |
A |
Sure-Fire Ticket Deterrents for Frustrated Drivers |
Dick DeBartolo |
165 - Mar 1974 |
A |
If People Were Labeled Like Products |
Frank Jacobs |
166 - Apr 1974 |
A |
A Mad Look at The Almighty Dollar Sign |
Max Brandel |
167 - Jun 1974 |
A |
A Mad Look at Zoo Veterinarians |
Paul Peter Porges |
Special #12 - Sum 1974 |
A |
Mad Scrambles |
Larry Gore |
Special #12 - Sum 1974 |
A |
Remember When... |
Arnie Kogen |
168 - Jul 1974 |
A |
A Mad Look at Funerals |
Stan Hart |
169 - Sep 1974 |
A |
Back Cover -- Save the Eagle! |
Frank Jacobs |
169 - Sep 1974 |
A |
Cover and Mad Logo Artist -
- The Exorcist |
170 - Oct 1974 |
A |
Ghoulish Medical Corp. 1974 Hospital Supply Catalogue |
Tom Koch |
170 - Oct 1974 |
A |
We're Losing Our War Against Computers |
Tom Koch |
171 - Dec 1974 |
A |
The Mating Call of the Wild |
Paul Peter Porges |
Special #14 - Win 1974 |
A |
Paperback Artist -  |
Frank Jacobs |
The Mad Turned- On Zoo - 1974 |
A |
Picture Road Signs We'd Like to See |
Al Jaffee Frank Jacobs |
172 - Jan 1975 |
A |
Commemoratives to President Nixon |
Dick DeBartolo |
172 - Jan 1975 |
A |
A Modern Business Success Story |
Dick DeBartolo |
173 - Mar 1975 |
A |
A White House "Garage Sale" |
Lou Silverstone |
174 - Apr 1975 |
A |
A Mad Look at Commuting |
Lou Silverstone |
175 - Jun 1975 |
A |
Headlines of the Insect World |
Paul Peter Porges |
176 - Jul 1975 |
A |
A Collection of Mad X-RAYvings |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
177 - Sep 1975 |
A |
From the Inside... Out of... |
Paul Peter Porges |
Special #16 - Fall 1975 |
A |
Mad Artists' Response to a "Draw This Figure" Ad |
see issue |
178 - Oct 1975 |
A |
U.S. Commemorative Stamps That We'll Never Get to See |
Frank Jacobs |
179 - Dec 1975 |
A |
Product "Improvements" to Justify Higher Prices |
Tom Koch |
Special #17 - Win 1975 |
A |
When the U.S. Switches to the Metric System |
William Garvin |
Special #17 - Win 1975 |
A |
Paperback Artist -  |
Frank Jacobs |
The Mad Jumble Book - 1975 |
A |
Ripoff Cafe Accessories, Inc. Restaurant Supply Catalogue |
Tom Koch |
180 - Jan 1976 |
A |
Some Mad Energy-Saving Devices |
Paul Peter Porges |
181 - Mar 1976 |
A |
The Alfred E. Neuman University Competitive Hard-Sell 1976 Catalogue |
Frank Jacobs, Irving Schild David Reagan |
181 - Mar 1976 |
A |
Mad Shoulder Patches |
Paul Peter Porges |
182 - Apr 1976 |
A |
A Mad Look at Burps Through History |
Paul Peter Porges |
183 - Jun 1976 |
A |
Mad's Nice Graffiti |
Larry Siegel |
184 - Jul 1976 |
A |
Whatever Became of...? (Stars of the 1970s in 1996) |
Frank Jacobs |
185 - Sep 1976 |
A |
Ye Madde Hate Book - Madde (bonus insert) |
Lou Silverstone |
Special #19 - Fall 1976 |
A |
Letters - Bob Clarke ages Henry Winkler as "The Fonz" |
187 - Dec 1976 |
A |
A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at Car Rental Companies |
Stan Hart |
187 - Dec 1976 |
A |
What's the Story...? |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
188 - Jan 1977 |
A |
The Mad Clearance Catalogue of Unwanted Articles, Features, Gimmicks, and Premises |
Frank Jacobs see issue |
188 - Jan 1977 |
A |
Letters - Bob Clarke draws O.J. Simpson leaping over car |
189 - Mar 1977 |
A |
More What's the Story...? |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
189 - Mar 1977 |
A |
Back Cover -- A Magazine Cover We'd Like to See - The New Yorker |
Bill Johnson Jr. |
189 - Mar 1977 |
A |
Still More What's the Story...? |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
190 - Apr 1977 |
A |
Cover Artist -
- We have Alfred... |
191 - Jun 1977 |
A |
More Original Mad Covers and One Mad Moment Later! |
see issue |
191 - Jun 1977 |
A |
Distinctive Mad Epitaphs |
Frank Jacobs |
191 - Jun 1977 |
A |
When "Truth-In-Advertising" Laws Apply to Movie Ads |
Tom Koch |
192 - Jul 1977 |
A |
Letters - Bob Clarke draws himself held hostage at Mad |
193 - Sep 1977 |
A |
Products With Paired Names That Tell What It's Supposed to Do |
Al Jaffee |
193 - Sep 1977 |
A |
The Daily Rhyme |
Frank Jacobs |
194 - Oct 1977 |
A |
The Office Workers' Hall of Fame |
Dick DeBartolo |
194 - Oct 1977 |
A |
Decision Making Dart Boards for Celebrities |
Frank Jacobs William McCole |
195 - Dec 1977 |
A |
Paperback Artist -  |
Frank Jacobs |
More Mad About Sports - 1977 |
A |
Mad's "Realistic" Board Game - "Hospital" |
Frank Jacobs |
196 - Jan 1978 |
A |
Some Minor Medical Research Foundations' Collection Drives |
Dennis Snee |
197 - Mar 1978 |
A |
Instructions for Things that Need Instructions |
Tom Koch |
197 - Mar 1978 |
A |
School Supplies Unlimited 1978-79 Wholesale Catalogue |
Tom Koch |
198 - Apr 1978 |
A |
Some Legendary Wire Hangers |
Paul Peter Porges |
198 - Apr 1978 |
A |
Where Your Dollar Goes |
Stan Hart |
199 - Jun 1978 |
A |
Discount Coupons We Really Need |
Tom Koch |
201 - Sep 1978 |
A |
A Mad Look at Some Unfinished Sentences |
John Caldwell |
202 - Oct 1978 |
A |
American Recreational & Resort Facilities, Inc. Wholesale Supply Catalogue |
Tom Koch |
202 - Oct 1978 |
A |
If Freedom of the Press Applied to High School Papers |
Tom Koch |
203 - Dec 1978 |
A |
Cover Self-Caricature - - Contributing Artist |
see paperback for 12 other artists, Nick Meglin too |
Mad Stew - 1978 Paperback |
A |
A Preview of this Year's "Gimmick" Christmas Gifts |
Tom Koch |
204 - Jan 1979 |
A |
If Libraries Sold Advertising Space |
William Garvin |
204 - Jan 1979 |
A |
Some "Joy of..." Books We Could Really Use |
Stan Hart |
205 - Mar 1979 |
A |
Who Killed the Country? |
Frank Jacobs |
206 - Apr 1979 |
A |
Money Talks |
Henry Clark |
207 - Jun 1979 |
A |
Crafty Bunko Schemes, Inc. 1979-80 Repairmen's Parts & Supply Catalogue |
Tom Koch |
208 - Jul 1979 |
A |
Guarantees We'd Like to See |
Tom Koch |
209 - Sep 1979 |
A |
Future "Famous Collector's Series" |
Dick DeBartolo |
209 - Sep 1979 |
A |
Other Household Security Alarm Systems |
Dennis Snee |
209 - Sep 1979 |
A |
New Mad Packaging Designs For Some Old Familiar Products |
Arnoldo Franchioni |
Special #28 - Fall 1979 |
A |
Mad's More Realistic City Monuments |
Stan Hart |
Special #28 - Fall 1979 |
A |
Mad's Table of Little-Known and Very Useless Weights, Measures & Distances |
John Ficarra |
210 - Oct 1979 |
A |
The Yellow Pages Through History - Paleolithic Telephone Company |
Tom Koch |
211 - Dec 1979 |
A |
More Yellow Pages Through History - Imperial Roman Telephone Company |
Tom Koch |
212 - Jan 1980 |
A |
Newspaper Stories We'll Never See |
Tom Koch |
212 - Jan 1980 |
A |
Still More Yellow Pages Through History - His Majesty's Medieval Telephone Company |
Tom Koch |
213 - Mar 1980 |
A |
Still More Yellow Pages Through History - Early American Telephone Company |
Tom Koch |
214 - Apr 1980 |
A |
Comic Strip Cursing Symbols to Match a Given Situation |
Henry Clark |
214 - Apr 1980 |
A |
Signs We'd Like to See |
Tom Koch |
215 - Jun 1980 |
A |
More Legendary Wire Hangers |
Paul Peter Porges John Rios |
217 - Sep 1980 |
A |
A Collection of Mad X-RAYvings |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
218 - Oct 1980 |
A |
The Mad Thermometer |
John Ficarra |
219 - Dec 1980 |
A |
Paperback Artist -  |
Tom Koch |
The Mad Worry Book - 1980 |
A |
Amalgamated Student Supply Co. - Mail Order Catalogue |
Tom Koch Diane Riccobene |
220 - Jan 1981 |
A |
The Mad Stop Watch |
John Ficarra |
221 - Mar 1981 |
A |
Rhyming Ads |
Frank Jacobs |
222 - Apr 1981 |
A |
New Inventions to Make Old Inventions Practical |
Tom Koch |
223 - Jun 1981 |
A |
Bonus Balonus |
Dick DeBartolo |
224 - Jul 1981 |
A |
A Mad Look at Some Celebrities Diapers |
Paul Peter Porges |
225 - Sep 1981 |
A |
Cover Artist - - The Comics |
Special #36 - Fall 1981 |
A |
Stadium & Team Owners' Paraphenalia, Inc. - 1981 Supply Catalogue |
Tom Koch |
226 - Oct 1981 |
A |
The Mad Questionnaire For Uncovering America's "Truly Needy" |
John Ficarra |
227 - Dec 1981 |
A |
A Mad Look at Teachers |
Stan Hart |
227 - Dec 1981 |
A |
Paperback Artist -  |
Frank Jacobs |
Get Stuffed With Mad - 1981 |
A |
Paperback Artist -  |
Frank Jacobs |
Mad Goes Wild - 1981 |
A |
Where Your Christmas Dollar Goes |
Mike Snider |
228 - Jan 1982 |
A |
Whatever Became of...? |
Frank Jacobs |
229 - Mar 1982 |
A |
Cover Artist -
- Mad Invaders |
230 - Apr 1982 |
A |
Mad's Modern Disclaimers to the Ten Commandments |
John Ficarra |
232 - Jul 1982 |
A |
Cover Artist -
- Pac-Man |
233 - Sep 1982 |
A |
Commemorative Stamps That Tell It Like It Really Is |
Frank Jacobs |
234 - Oct 1982 |
A |
Hidden Charges in Typical Bills |
Stan Hart |
235 - Dec 1982 |
A |
Mottos, Oaths, Inscriptions, Etc. Rewritten for Special Interest Groups |
Frank Jacobs |
236 - Jan 1983 |
A |
Further Additions to Table of Mad's Little-Known and Very Useless Weights, Measures & Distances |
John Ficarra |
237 - Mar 1983 |
A |
Cover Artist - - Cop, Politician, Teacher |
Norman Mingo |
Special #42 - Spr 1983 |
A |
Mad's X-Reagans |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
238 - Apr 1983 |
A |
Personalized License Plates For Fictional and Historical Characters |
Frank Jacobs |
239 - Jun 1983 |
A |
Picture Signs for All Occasions |
Frank Jacobs |
240 - Jul 1983 |
A |
Merchandising We're Almost Sure to See...and Hate! |
Frank Jacobs |
241 - Sep 1983 |
A |
Warning Labels We Desperately Need |
Tom Koch |
242 - Oct 1983 |
A |
Cosmetics For Kids |
Dick DeBartolo |
243 - Dec 1983 |
A |
The Book of Mad - When Somebody Sayeth, He Really Meaneth... |
Lou Silverstone see issue |
243 - Dec 1983 |
A |
Bedsheet Signs We'll Never See on TV |
Tom Koch |
244 - Jan 1984 |
A |
The 1984 M.G.M. Movie Theatre Owners Supply Catalogue |
Tom Koch |
245 - Mar 1984 |
A |
Cover Artist - - Movies 2 |
Special #46 - Spr 1984 |
A |
Other Crises in Our Public Schools |
Dennis Snee |
246 - Apr 1984 |
A |
Mafia Outlet Bureau Shop-By-Mail Catalogue |
Frank Jacobs |
247 - Jun 1984 |
A |
Cover Artist - - Alfred smashed by peace sign |
Special #47 - Sum 1984 |
A |
Mad's Political Believe It or Nuts! |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
248 - Jul 1984 |
A |
International Symbols for Other Olympic Highlights |
Dick DeBartolo |
249 - Sep 1984 |
A |
The Sham-Jock Sporting Goods Catalogue |
Frank Jacobs James Kasmir |
249 - Sep 1984 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Frank Jacobs |
250 - Oct 1984 |
A |
The Mad Speedometer |
John Ficarra |
250 - Oct 1984 |
A |
The TV Primetime Graveyard |
Frank Jacobs |
251 - Dec 1984 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Frank Jacobs |
251 - Dec 1984 |
A |
"This cover of 'Mad 84' is printed on Recycled Paper" |
Dick DeBartolo |
Mad 84 - 1984 |
A |
The Mad Reader's Sex Survey |
Larry Siegel |
Mad 84 - 1984 |
A |
The "Ins" and "Outs" of Daily Conversation |
Larry Siegel |
Mad 84 - 1984 |
A |
Manhattan (board game parody) |
Frank Jacobs |
Mad 84 - 1984 |
A |
So They Lived Happily Ever After, Huh?! |
Stan Hart |
Mad 84 - 1984 |
A |
Sales Incentives for Other Hard-to-Move Items |
Larry Siegel |
Mad 84 - 1984 |
A |
If the Phone Book's White Pages Carried Advertising |
Tom Koch |
Mad 84 - 1984 |
A |
Snappy Answers to Stupid Bumper Stickers |
Larry Siegel |
252 - Jan 1985 |
A |
The Trend Toward Rottenness in the Comic Strips / When All Comic Strip Characters Turn Rotten |
Larry Siegel |
253 - Mar 1985 |
A |
Mad's Modern Believe It or Nuts! |
Frank Jacobs |
253 - Mar 1985 |
A |
Honest Ads That Introduce "New, Improved" Products |
Tom Koch |
254 - Apr 1985 |
A |
The Mad 7-Point Plan for Balancing the Budget and Wiping Out the National Debt |
Frank Jacobs |
255 - Jun 1985 |
A |
Join Mad's Trendy Book of the Month Club |
Larry Siegel |
256 - Jul 1985 |
A |
The Mad Sports Page |
Charlie Kadau Joe Raiola |
257 - Sep 1985 |
A |
Celebrity Silhouettes...or...Which Famous Person is Which? |
Rurik Tyler |
257 - Sep 1985 |
A |
Mad's Celebrity Supermarket |
Charlie Kadau Joe Raiola |
258 - Oct 1985 |
A |
Mad's Snappy Comments on Stupid Government Policies and Abuses |
Lou Silverstone |
259 - Dec 1985 |
A |
Back Cover -- The Alfred E. Neumaneuver - First Aid for the Restaurant Choking Victim |
Dick DeBartolo |
259 - Dec 1985 |
A |
Cover Artist - - Alfred thumbs down |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
Special #53 - Win 1985 |
A |
Cover Artist - - Alfred button on plaid clothing |
The Plaid Mad - Paperback #69 - 1985 |
A |
Paperback Artist -  |
Tom Koch |
The Mad Self- Improvement Yearbook - 1985 |
A |
Truth in Road Signs |
Dick DeBartolo |
260 - Jan 1986 |
A |
Laundromat Bingo |
Rurik Tyler |
260 - Jan 1986 |
A |
New Uses for Arm & Hammer Baking Soda |
Mike Snider |
261 - Mar 1986 |
A |
Mad's Congressional Record Puzzle Page |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
262 - Apr 1986 |
A |
The Real-Life, Tell-It-Like-It-Is Dr. Seuss |
Frank Jacobs |
262 - Apr 1986 |
A |
Ads We Never Got to See! |
Dick DeBartolo |
263 - Jun 1986 |
A |
The Reagan White House Garage Sale |
Lou Silverstone |
264 - Jul 1986 |
A |
Mad's Whatever Became of...? - TV Characters' Edition |
Mike Snider |
266 - Oct 1986 |
A |
The Defense Contractors' Clearinghouse Catalog |
John Rios |
267 - Dec 1986 |
A |
Paperback Artist -  |
Frank Jacobs |
Mad's Believe It or Nuts! - 1986 |
A |
New Clothing Care Symbols That Tell It Like It Is |
Charlie Kadau |
268 - Jan 1987 |
A |
Famous Stories as Told By Famous People |
Lou Silverstone |
268 - Jan 1987 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - tank knock shooter |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
268 - Jan 1987 |
A |
Hidden Details in Art |
Tom Koch |
269 - Mar 1987 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - car becomes tank, bike becomes cannon |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
270 - Apr 1987 |
A |
Mad's Realistic State Lottery Scratch-Off Games |
Mike Snider |
270 - Apr 1987 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - enlarged fly and swatter |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
271 - Jun 1987 |
A |
Sneaky UPC Symbols |
Frank Jacobs |
271 - Jun 1987 |
A |
The Brown Noser's Guide to Writing A+ School Papers |
Tom Koch |
271 - Jun 1987 |
A |
Subway Bingo |
Rurik Tyler |
271 - Jun 1987 |
A |
Cover Artist - - Spies light Alfred bomb |
Special #59 - Sum 1987 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - tennis net bombs |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
272 - Jul 1987 |
A |
More Celebrity Silhouettes |
Rurik Tyler |
272 - Jul 1987 |
A |
Sir Puffy's Family Restaurant Placemat |
Charlie Kadau Joe Raiola |
273 - Sep 1987 |
A |
Feature by Feature Advertising |
Dick DeBartolo |
273 - Sep 1987 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - raised car bomb bouncer |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
273 - Sep 1987 |
A |
Obituaries for Merchandising Characters |
Frank Jacobs |
274 - Oct 1987 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - submarine over waterfall |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
274 - Oct 1987 |
A |
Back Cover -- No-Credit Cards |
Charlie Kadau, Joe Raiola, Billy Doherty |
274 - Oct 1987 |
A |
The Mad Decibel (dB) Scale |
Mike Snider |
275 - Dec 1987 |
A |
The Mad Merchandise Mart |
Dick DeBartolo |
275 - Dec 1987 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - birdseed glue |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
275 - Dec 1987 |
A |
Back Cover -- Fat Book of the Month Club |
Lou Silverstone |
275 - Dec 1987 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - sunscreen mirrors become laser |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
276 - Jan 1988 |
A |
Merchandising Spin-Offs That Hollywood Missed Out On |
Mike Snider |
276 - Jan 1988 |
A |
Back Cover -- Clip 'N Save Coupons |
Dick DeBartolo |
276 - Jan 1988 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - balloon full of bombs |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
277 - Mar 1988 |
A |
Wonderland Revisited |
Lou Silverstone |
277 - Mar 1988 |
A |
The Movie Sequel Graveyard |
Frank Jacobs |
277 - Mar 1988 |
A |
Still More Celebrity Silhouettes |
Rurik Tyler |
278 - Apr 1988 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - fishing line releases shark |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
278 - Apr 1988 |
A |
Mad Opens a Typical Magazine Sweepstakes Package |
Charlie Kadau Joe Raiola |
279 - Jun 1988 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - dog attack training color change |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
279 - Jun 1988 |
A |
Tell-Tale Comic Strip Balloons (The Sequel) |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
279 - Jun 1988 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - flying carpet bed of nails balloon popper |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
280 - Jul 1988 |
A |
Mad's Post-Nuclear Publications |
Barry Liebmann |
280 - Jul 1988 |
A |
When Other Comic Strips Start Using the "Far Side" Formula |
Charlie Kadau |
280 - Jul 1988 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy vs. Spy - couch turns into snakes |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
281 - Sep 1988 |
A |
Back Cover -- State License Plate Mottos We'd Like to See |
Mike Snider |
281 - Sep 1988 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - building-climber wheel of suction cups |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
282 - Oct 1988 |
A |
More Famous Stories as Told by Famous People |
Lou Silverstone |
283 - Dec 1988 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - cymbal crash of springy manhole covers |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
283 - Dec 1988 |
A |
Advertising Claims That Somehow Didn't Thrill Us |
Dick DeBartolo |
283 - Dec 1988 |
A |
Play Pictionary With the Mad Artists |
see issue |
284 - Jan 1989 |
A |
The Real Demographics of Various TV Audiences |
Mike Snider |
284 - Jan 1989 |
AW |
Spy vs. Spy - submarine safe |
284 - Jan 1989 |
A |
Mad's Christmas Believe It or Nuts! |
Dick DeBartolo |
284 - Jan 1989 |
A |
When Roger Rabbit Technology Takes Over All of Hollywood's Films |
Stan Hart |
285 - Mar 1989 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - drawbridge spring release to gators |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
285 - Mar 1989 |
A |
Back Cover -- Toys "R" U Catalogue |
Charlie Kadau, Joe Raiola Irving Schild |
285 - Mar 1989 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - tank elephant |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
286 - Apr 1989 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - giant frog tongues flying spy |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
286 - Apr 1989 |
A |
Consumer Reports Aimed at Special Interest Groups |
Frank Jacobs |
287 - Jun 1989 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - batting mobile returns wrecking ball pitch |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
287 - Jun 1989 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - lawn-mowing airplane |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
287 - Jun 1989 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - elevator doors slam down flat |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
288 - Jul 1989 |
Um D |
Cover Underpants Designer and Model -  |
Irving Schild |
Special #68 - Fall 1989 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - submarine with island top |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
289 - Sep 1989 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - dog bone bomb |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
290 - Oct 1989 |
A |
More Items from Mad's Celebrity Supermarket |
Charlie Kadau, Joe Raiola |
291 - Dec 1989 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy vs. Spy - nitroglycerin martini glass clink |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
291 - Dec 1989 |
A |
Paperback Artist -  |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
Prohias' Spy vs Spy - The Updated Files #7 - 1989 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - spy dog dunks bomb in hydrant |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
292 - Jan 1990 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - hair-dryer flame-thrower |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
293 - Mar 1990 |
A |
When Pressure Groups Really Take Over |
Lou Silverstone |
293 - Mar 1990 |
A |
Back Cover -- The Mad Dart Board |
Joel Z. Krisanda |
293 - Mar 1990 |
A |
The Mad Career Mart |
Charlie Kadau, Joe Raiola |
294 - Apr 1990 |
AW |
Spy vs. Spy - horseshoe magnet rings submarine |
294 - Apr 1990 |
A |
Mad's Updated Book Titles for the 90's |
William Garvin |
294 - Apr 1990 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - tank turret copter |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
295 - Jun 1990 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - bridge extensions stops tank jump |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
296 - Jul 1990 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - bridge extensions shot off 2nd time around |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
296 - Jul 1990 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - clever ceiling spy shoots from hole |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
297 - Sep 1990 |
A |
Back Cover -- A Map We're Soon Likely to See! - Exxon Ocean |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
297 - Sep 1990 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - fake cage bars rotate into guns |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
298 - Oct 1990 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - bug aircraft caught in web |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
299 - Dec 1990 |
A |
Cover Artist - - Spies run for their lives |
Special #73 - Win 1990 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - graveyard casket missile |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
300 - Jan 1991 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - fully loaded secret rubber cannon |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
301 - Mar 1991 |
A |
Warning Labels of the Future Designed to Head-Off Potential Lawsuits |
Dick DeBartolo |
301 - Mar 1991 |
A |
The Real Demographics of Various TV Audiences - Volume II |
Mike Snider |
301 - Mar 1991 |
A |
Cover Artist - - Alfred formed from cassette tape |
Special #74 - Spr 1991 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - sharks in klopper test tank |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
302 - Apr 1991 |
A |
Babar's Final Adventure |
Frank Jacobs |
302 - Apr 1991 |
A |
Hi, Readers! Reverend Donald Wildmon Here! |
see issue |
302 - Apr 1991 |
A |
The Mad Rock 'n Rap Sampler |
Charlie Kadau |
303 - Jun 1991 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - doves set off statue bomb |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
303 - Jun 1991 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - boulder chain reaction effect on wrecking balls |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
304 - Jul 1991 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - catapult's boulder returned by large racket |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
305 - Sep 1991 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - wheel widens mountain gap |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
305 - Sep 1991 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - shoulder cannon corked |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
306 - Oct 1991 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - scraping spy off a press with spatula |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
307 - Dec 1991 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - shadow-shaped hole |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
308 - Jan 1992 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - electrified yo-yo string |
Russ Cooper |
309 - Mar 1992 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - flame-shooter spy trick |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
310 - Apr 1992 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - nitroglycerin piano keys |
Antonio Prohias |
311 - Jun 1992 |
A |
More Obituaries for Merchandising Characters |
Frank Jacobs |
311 - Jun 1992 |
A |
Conflicting Ads That Really Make You Wonder |
Dick DeBartolo |
312 - Jul 1992 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - wine bottle cork pulls hand grenade pin |
Antonio Prohias |
312 - Jul 1992 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - razor through belt drops pants |
Antonio Prohias |
313 - Sep 1992 |
A |
Mad's Consumer Believe It or Nuts |
Dick DeBartolo |
313 - Sep 1992 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - sling shot violinist |
Antonio Prohias |
314 - Oct 1992 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - telescope gun barrel |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
315 - Dec 1992 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - pogo schtick ceiling spikes |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
316 - Jan 1993 |
A |
Commemorative Stamps We'd Like to See (But Never Will!) |
Frank Jacobs |
316 - Jan 1993 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - milking cow udder mine blower |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
317 - Mar 1993 |
A |
Spy vs. Spy - delayed platform coiled spring release |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
318 - Apr 1993 |
A |
RIP 2000 Suicide Machine Owners Manual |
Charlie Kadau |
321 - Sep 1993 |
A |
Paperback Artist -  |
Don (Duck) Edwing |
Spy vs Spy - The Updated Files #8 - 1993 |
A |
Sentence Length Product Names We'd Like to See |
Mike Snider |
325 - Feb 1994 |
A |
The New American Dream Career Path Chart |
Mike Snider |
326 - Mar 1994 |
A |
Eye Catching Mad Mugs To Replace the Boring Ones We're All Used To |
Joe Raiola, Charlie Kadau |
Special #92 - Mar 1994 |
A |
Another Portfolio of Mad Namelies |
Russ Cooper |
Special #93 - May 1994 |
A |
Follow the Asterisk* to Find the Hidden Truth |
Tom Koch |
Special #93 - May 1994 |
A |
Talk Show Memo Wars |
Frank Jacobs |
Special #98 - Sum 1994 |
A |
Cover Artist -
- Mad Morphs |
Special #100 - Fall 1994 |
A |
8 Pre-Framed Mad Morphs (bonus insert) |
Special #100 - Fall 1994 |
A |
Are You a "Type A" Personality? |
Desmond Devlin |
346 - Jun 1996 |
A |
The Tobacco Industy's Secret Marketing Plans for Attracting Young Smokers |
Mike Snider |
351 - Nov 1996 |
A |
The U.S. HealthScare HealthPhone |
Butch D'Ambrosio |
353 - Jan 1997 |
A |
Border art for Special Spy vs. Spy Maze poster |
David Anson Russo |
Special #123 - Sep 1997 |
A |
Merely 99¢ Store Circular |
Scott Maiko |
371 - Jul 1998 |
A |
Mad Artists Pay Tribute to The Lighter Side Of... |
Dave Berg, see issue |
427 - Mar 2003 |
Mad Idiot of the Issue - FAQs and Stats |
XL #28 - Jul 2004 |
A |
The Fundalini Pages - Comic Book Characters or Child of a Celebrity? |
Michael Grinspan |
500 - Jun 2009 |
A |
500 Issues of Mad: A Visual History - Mad Issues 1-100 "Murmurs and Mumblings" |
see issue |
500 - Jun 2009 |
A |
500 Issues of Mad: A Visual History - Mad Issues 101-200 "Days of Triumph, Nights of Turpitude" |
see issue |
500 - Jun 2009 |
A |
500 Issues of Mad: A Visual History - Mad Issues 201-300 "Snatched Glory and Bruised Knuckles" |
see issue |
500 - Jun 2009 |
A |
500 Issues of Mad: A Visual History - Mad Issues 301-400 "The Rush to Antietam" |
see issue |
500 - Jun 2009 |
A |
The Mad Vault - 1973 |
see issue |
501 - Oct 2009 |
A |
The Mad Vault - 1988 |
see issue |
502 - Jan 2010 |
A |
The Mad Vault - 1969 |
see issue |
503 - May 2010 |
A |
The Mad Vault - 1978 |
see issue |
506 - Dec 2010 |