Mad #353 January 1997
- Cover Artist: Mark Fredrickson
- Ad for Subscriptions (Kelly Freas art from #52) (C2)
- Contents Page (1)
- Letters (2-3)
- Joshua Wayne - O'Fallon, MO
- Abbigail Kerns - President, Zeus Thunderer Fan Club -
New York, NY - Envelope of the Month - Adam Small - Muscatine, IA
- Kyle Hildreth - Southwick, MA
- Ron Barnes - Affton, MO
- Mad - Junker1069, DParker934, Kaysie1111, Pepper64, ADAMEG, JesseR123
- Ad for Super Special #119 March 1997 -
Collector's Series #14
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas (summary)
**various places around the magazine
- Marred Attack! (movie satire)
(written by Stan Hart / Angelo Torres art) (4-9)
- Realistic Police Shows We'll Soon Be Seeing (10-12)
(written by Anthony Barbieri / George Woodbridge art)
- Spy Vs. Spy - firemen's life net is solid ground
(written by Don (Duck) Edwing / Dave Manak art) (13-14)
- Obituaries for Comic Strip Characters
(written by Frank Jacobs / Steve Smallwood art) (15-17)
- More Mad Mini Movies Featuring
The Fickle Finger of Fate (Al Jaffee) (18-19)
- The Masked Mountie and His Wonder Dog, Biscuit - (20)
Chapter IV - "The Falls of Death!" (Don (Duck) Edwing)
- You'll Probably Win That
Sexual Harrassment Suit If... (21-23) (written by Andrew J. Schwartzberg / Timothy Shamey art)
- The U.S. HealthScare HealthPhone
(written by Butch D'Ambrosio / Bob Clarke art) (24-25)
- The Lighter Side of... (Dave Berg) (26-30)
- Now That the Aliens Have Landed...
 (written by Don (Duck) Edwing / Joe Orlando art) (31-33)
- Dennis Miller Rants About Dennis Miller
(written by Butch D'Ambrosio / Steve Brodner art) (34-37)
- A Mad Look at Winter Vacations (Sergio Aragones) (38-41)
- The Masked Mountie and His Wonder Dog, Biscuit -
Chapter VIII - "The Flames of Death!" (Don (Duck) Edwing) (42)
- Tortured By An Angel (TV satire)
(written by Dick DeBartolo / Sam Viviano art) (43-47)
- The Masked Mountie and His Wonder Dog, Biscuit -
Chapter XI - "A Head Start!" (Don (Duck) Edwing) (48)
- Inside Back Cover (C3) and Back Cover --
Mad Attacks! Cards (Thomas Fluharty art)
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