Mad #357 May 1997
- Cover Artist: C. F. Payne
- Border Artist: Rick Tulka
- Ad - Another Satisfied Mad Subscriber
(Jack Rickard art from Mad Barfs) (C2)
- Contents Page (1)
- "A call girl is a lady who isn't free
for the night!" -- Alfred E. Neuman
- Letters (2-3)
- Colin Frye - Northbrook, IL
- Mark B. Harrison - New Jersey, USA
- Haney Mardo - Cairo, Egypt
- Chase Estes - Ogden, UT
- Mad - EdgarFrog, GOLD675050, Stutzy, PeteBrwdog, Martian716, Snaponarby, MEDoodle, Cowman0001, PaulaRo12, Rodeo82503
- Scott Tait - British Columbia, Canada
- Celebrity Snap with #345 -
Peter Iovino (with Gwyneth Paltrow) - Los Angeles, CA - Unidentified Nuns - St. Paul, MN
- Ad for Super Special #121 June 1997 - Mad About Families
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas
**various places around the magazine
- The People vs. Larry Fylth (movie satire)
 (written by Stan Hart / Angelo Torres art) (4-9)
- Homeboy's Life Magazine (Irving Schild photo editor)
(written by Charlie Kadau and Joe Raiola) (10-11)
- Mad's Etiquette Guide to Same Sex Weddings
(John Caldwell) (12-13)
- Product Recalls You May Have Missed
(written by Dick DeBartolo / Timothy Shamey art) (14-16)
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to World Travel
(written by Desmond Devlin / Kevin Pope art) (17-19)
- Mad-sterpiece Theater: Sportsdunk (20-21)
(written by Charlie Kadau and Joe Raiola / Tom Bunk art)
- Spy vs. Spy - escalator magnet
(written by Bill Janocha / Peter Kuper art) (Michael Gallagher credited for writing by mistake) (22-23)
- A Mad Modern Report Card
(written by Barry Liebmann / James Warhola art) (24-25)
- The Mad World of Religion (B. K. Taylor art)
(written by Frank Santopadre and Rick Rodgers) (26-28)
- Mad's Male / Female Dictionary of the English Language
(Rick Geary and Marian Henley art) (written by Mike Snider) (29-33)
- Best-Sellers Cut Down to Size
(written by Eric Perlin / Irving Schild photos) (34-35)
- Monroe &... Mother Nature
(written by Anthony Barbieri / Bill Wray art) (36-37)
- A Community Update from Sleaze Case,
Chairman and CEO of America Onhold (written by Desmond Devlin / Charles Akins art) (38-39)
- A Mad Look at Going Out (Sergio Aragones) (40-42)
- Walt Disney Visits His Studio Today
(written by Chris Hart / Bill Wray art) (43-47)
- Dummy & Dummier (Don (Duck) Edwing) (48)
- Fold-In -- What besieged group of people does
our military seem unwilling to protect? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
- Back Cover -- Martha Stewart Dying (Irving Schild photo)
(written by Meredith Anthony, Larry Light, and Alison Power)
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