Mad #443 July 2004
- Harry Potter 3-D Cover Artist: Liz Lomax
- Harry Potter "Snitch" Cover Artist: Mark Fredrickson
- Contents Page (1)
- Letters (readers remember George Woodbridge) (2-4)
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas **various places around the magazine
- The Fundalini Pages (Charles Akins, Tom Cheney, Desmond Devlin, Don (Duck) Edwing, Garth Gerhart, Gary Hallgren, Charlie Kadau, Jeff Kruse, Patrick Merrell, Joe Raiola, Sam Sisco, Mike Snider, Jack Syracuse) (IMPORTANT NOTE) (6-8)
- Harry Plodder and the Pre-Teen Nerds are Actin' Bad (movie satire)
(written by Desmond Devlin / Hermann Mejia art) (10-15)
- 13 Things You Really Learn in Summer School (John Caldwell) (16-18)
- What Saddam Hussein's Body Doubles are Doing Now
(written by Steve Rosso / Drew Friedman art) (20-21)
- Special Edition Games and Toys We'd Like to See (22-25)
(written by Darren Johnson / Scott Bricher art / Irving Schild photos / John Sazaklis sculptures)
- How Gay Marriages Really Affect You (written by Barry Liebmann / Paul Coker, Jr. art) (26-27)
- The Mad World of... High-Tech Communication (28-30)
(written by Stan Sinberg / Marc Hempel art)
- The Ironic Breeze Silent Air Purifier - available at The Shoddier Image (ad parody)
(written by Dick DeBartolo) (31)
- A Mad Look at the Mall (Sergio Aragones) (32-34)
- Spy vs. Spy - magnet draws airport's box of sharp objects (Peter Kuper) (36-37)
- Monroe and... Grandpa's Last Ride (written by Anthony Barbieri / Bill Wray art) (38-41)
- Meet the Crew Behind Your Favorite Reality Dating Show
(written by Christopher Gates / Danny Hellman art) (42-43)
- Inside the Twisted Minds of Magazine Readers
(written by Kenny Byerly / Rick Tulka art) (44-46)
- Weird Eye on the Queer Guise (TV satire) (written by Dave Croatto / Tom Richmond art) (47-51)
- VH1's The Behind of the Music:
Def Leppard Drummer Rick Allen's Left Arm (TV satire) (Evan Dorkin) (52)
- Fold-In -- What's the latest tactic recording companies
are using to discourage music downloading? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
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