Mad #455 July 2005
- Cover Artist: Mark Fredrickson
- Contents Page (1)
- "Parents are the ones who never listen to a word you say -
until you mutter something under your breath!" -- Alfred E. Neuman
- Letters (2,4,6)
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas **various places around the magazine
- The Fundalini Pages (Ray Alma, Pranav Behari, Scott Bricher, John Caldwell, Dick DeBartolo,
Garth Gerhart, Philip Kim, Scott Mendenhall, Mike Snider, Bob Staake, Jack Syracuse) (IMPORTANT NOTE) (8-10)
- 12 Ways NASA Plans on Cutting the Costs of the Space Program
- The Cover We Didn't Use - Holy Smoke! -
Special Sinful Issue! (Pope selection) (Ray Alma art)
- Celebrity Cause-of-Death Betting Odds - Donald Trump
(written by Mike Snider / Jack Syracuse art)
- Sundays at 9 on Al-Jazeera: Desperate Hamas Wives
- Fundalini Foto News: Congress Gets Pumped Up About Steroids in Baseball
- Updated Parental Warnings (Bob Staake art)
- The Godfrey Report
- A Mad Guide to Martha Stewart's Prison Tattoos (written by Scott Mendenhall)
- The Fast 5 - Little-Known Facts About the Recent Conclave of Cardinals (John Caldwell)
- Bitterman - "I had the biggest crush on you back then..." (Garth Gerhart)
- Battyman, Begone! (movie satire) (written by Desmond Devlin / Tom Richmond art) (12-18)
- Mad's CD Cover Doodles (Russ Cooper) (20-21)
- If the Star Wars Galaxy Had Classified Ads (written by David Shayne / Tom Bunk art) (22)
- A Mad Look at Summer Camp (Sergio Aragones) (24-28)
- Monroe and... Therapy (100th episode) (written by Anthony Barbieri / Bill Wray art) (33-36)
- Americans Who Just Missed Becoming Pope
(written by Jeff Kruse / Hermann Mejia art) (38-39)
- New Books by Your Favorite Conservative Authors
(written by Joe Raiola / Hermann Mejia and Scott Bricher art) (40-41)
- Spy vs. Spy - bathroom gun/hairdryer shock (Peter Kuper) (42)
- The Strip Club (49-51)
- Ad for Mad Survey with chance to win Spy vs. Spy Bookends (52)
- Mad's Inspirational Animal Stories (first in a series) - The Special Puppy
(written by Brian McConnachie / Leonardo Rodriguez art) (53-55)
- Parental Double-Standards (written by David Shayne / Peter Bagge art) (56-57)
- Mad Sucker-Punches The Contender -
A Knockout Collection of Outtakes (written by Mike Snider) (58-59)
- Ad for Subscriptions (Mark Fredrickson art from #434) (60)
- Fold-In -- What event is guaranteed to bring many Mad readers together this year? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
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