Mad #468 August 2006
- Cover Artist: Mark Fredrickson
- Contents Page (1)
- "Vegetarians who go back to meat have to
start by eating crow!" -- Alfred E. Neuman
- Letters (2,4,6)
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas
**various places around the magazine
- The Fundalini Pages (Scott Bricher, John Caldwell, Desmond Devlin, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Kit Lively, Hermann Mejia, Kevin Pope, Adam Rust, Stan Sinberg, Jack Syracuse, P. C. Vey) (IMPORTANT NOTE) (8-10)
- Declining Standards of the U.S. Army
(Hermann Mejia art)
- Monkeys Are Always Funny - with David Blaine
- The Fast 5 - Worst-Selling Victoria's Secret Lingerie
Toggle cover for large/small views
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Medical Marijuana
(written by Desmond Devlin / Kevin Pope art)
- Wakipedia - Pearl Harbor
- DVD "Special Features" That Only a Complete Moron Would Click On (John Caldwell art)
- Preliminary Findings from George Mitchell's Probe of Major League Baseball...
(written by Jeff Kruse / Jack Syracuse art)
- The Godfrey Report
- Vey To Go! - waiting for the payphone (P. C. Vey)
- Create Your Very Own Abstract Expressionist, Jackson Pollock Masterpiece (Adam Rust)
- Kit and Run - goldfish beret (Kit Lively)
- Saddam Sez: Federline impregnated Spears again
- Exciting Features of the New George Lucas Action Figure
- Stuporman Reruns! (movie satire) (written by Dick DeBartolo / Tom Richmond art) (12-18)
- Bill Clinton Rejected Portraits (Richard Williams art) (20-21)
- When Lifeguards Go Bad (John Caldwell) (22-23)
- Phrases We Swear We Heard on an Infomercial (written by Jeff Kruse / Tom Bunk art) (24)
- Mad's Booty-Licious Outtakes from Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest (26-27)
- Reasons You Should Definitely Skip Summer Concerts
(written by Jacob Lambert / Simon Gane art) (28-30)
- 7 Periods Closer to Death (Ted Rall) (35)
- A Mad Look at Illegal Immigration (Sergio Aragones) (36-39)
- Spy vs. Spy - hypnotist dynamite (Peter Kuper) (40)
- Ad for Mad Kids (41)
- The Strip Club (42-44)
- Mad Presents Facts That Sound For a Second Like They Might Be True... But Aren't
(written by Justin Heimberg / Kevin Pope art) (53)
- Video Game Laws That America Actually Needs (written by Jacob Lambert / Rich Powell art) (54-56)
- Ads for Subscriptions and Mad Classics (Richard Williams art from Special #98) (58)
- T.G.I. Fried-Day's Menu (written by Dave Croatto / Irving Schild photos) (59-63)
- Fold-In -- What potential American disaster is even Superman powerless to stop? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
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