Mad #487 March 2008
- Contents Page (1)
- Letters (2-4)
- Ad for Subscription with bonus #43 print offer (5)
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas
**various places around the magazine
- The Fundalini Pages (Charles Akins, John Caldwell,
Evan Dorkin, Sarah Dyer, Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Greg Leitman, Ryan Pagelow, Adam Rust, Sam Sisco, Jack Syracuse) (IMPORTANT NOTE) (6-8)
- Fundalini Photo Exclusive - The George Mitchell
Steroid Press Conference (written by Jeff Kruse)
- Paint Like the Masters -
Leonardo Da Vinci (Fifth in a Series) (Adam Rust)
- Bitterman - boyfriend on Bluetooth (Garth Gerhart)
- Meet the '08 Presidential Candidates - Mike Huckabee
(written by John Caldwell / Jack Syracuse art)
Toggle cover for large/small views
- Rejected Catchphrases from Rambo (Sam Sisco art)
- Castro Comments: stung by no Celebrity Apprentice offers
- Lesser-Known Strikes in the Entertainment Industry...
(written by Jeff Kruse / Evan Dorkin and Sarah Dyer art)
- Shocking Revelations George Mitchell Left Out of His Report on Steroids in Baseball
(Charles Akins art)
- The Fast 5 - Fun-Sounding Interrogating Methods
the CIA is Considering to Replace Waterboarding (John Caldwell art)
- Monkeys Are Always Funny - Hillary and Bill Clinton campaign in Iowa
- The Ryan's Den - "I need to blame my fart on someone." (Ryan Pagelow)
- Zeroes (TV satire) (written by Desmond Devlin / Tom Richmond art) (10-14)
- Ad for Spy vs Spy 2 - The Joke and Dagger Files, The Mad War on Bush,
Mad About Star Wars, and The Completely Mad Don Martin books (15)
- The Darker Side of The Lighter Side (Dave Berg originals / uncredited altered dialogue) (16-18)
- Monroe and... High School Musical
(written by Anthony Barbieri / Tom Fowler art / Ryan Flanders color) (19-22)
- Zygote 101 (ad parody) (Scott Bricher art) (23)
- If Classic Old Movie Scenes Were Filmed Today
(written by Dick DeBartolo / Hermann Mejia art) (26-27)
- Planet TAD!!!!! (written by Tim Carvell / Brian Durniak art) (28-29)
- Spy vs. Spy - dove of peace bomb (Peter Kuper) (30)
- Why George W. Bush is in Favor of Global Warming - A Mad Exposé (written by Jacob Lambert)
(Joel Pett, Mike Peters, Jack Higgins, Dick Locher, Matt Davies, Clay Bennett, Michael Ramirez, Ben Sargent, Steve Breen, Jim Morin art) (31-33)
- Extremist Makeover - Politician Edition (written by Jeff Kruse / Drew Friedman art) (34-35)
- Mad's Bat-tastic The Dark Knight Outtakes (36-37)
- A Mad Look At Halo (Sergio Aragones) (38-40)
- Ad for Mad for Decades book (41)
- American Gagster (movie satire) (written by Arnie Kogen / Mort Drucker art) (42-46)
- Ad for Mad Kids (47)
- What The Heck is the Difference? (featuring cover #82) (48)
- Fold-In -- What major star has recently admitted receiving
illegal career-damaging human growth injections? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
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