Mad #486 February 2008
- Contents Page (1)
- "Whoever said nothing is gained by cheating
never cheated on a diet!" -- Alfred E. Neuman
- Letters (2,4,6)
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas
**various places around the magazine
- The Fundalini Pages (Charles Akins, Peter Bagge, Scott Bricher, Tom Bunk, John Caldwell, Paul Coker, Jr.,
Desmond Devlin, Darren Johnson, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Jack Syracuse, Sumukh Torgalkar, P. C. Vey) (IMPORTANT NOTE) (8-10)
- Things You Don't Want to Hear
from a High School Guidance Counselor (written by Jeff Kruse / Tom Bunk art)
- Better Happy Endings to Fairy Tales
than "Happily Ever After"
Toggle cover for large/small views
(written by Jeff Kruse / Paul Coker, Jr. art)
- Fundalini Presents...
The 3 Biggest Lies!!! - In Video Games (written by Desmond Devlin / Peter Bagge art)
- Least E-Mailed Articles
- Only a Hardcore Cable News Junkie... (John Caldwell art)
- Modern Heart Pendants
- Better Happy Endings to Fairy Tales than "Happily Ever After"
(written by Jeff Kruse / Paul Coker, Jr. art)
- Meet the '08 Presidential Candidates - Dennis Kucinich
(written by John Caldwell / Jack Syracuse art)
- Vey To Go! - tall ladder (P. C. Vey)
- Fundalini Goes to the White House - Nobel Prize Winner Al Gore Visits President Bush
- Better Happy Endings to Fairy Tales than "Happily Ever After"
(written by Jeff Kruse / Paul Coker, Jr. art)
- The Godfrey Report
- Things Your Overprotective Parents Will Do If They See Your Myspace Page (Scott Bricher art)
- George W. Bush "Spins" His Final State of the Union Address
(idea by Frank Jacobs / Ward Sutton art) (12-13)
- Spy vs. Spy - helium tank hides h-bomb (Peter Kuper) (14-15)
- Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (Al Jaffee / color by Ryan Flanders) (16-17)
- Zeroes - Ignore the Candidates, Save the World. (18-19)
- A Mad Look At Death (Sergio Aragones) (20-23)
- Ad for Spy vs Spy 2 - The Joke and Dagger Files, The Mad War on Bush,
Mad About Star Wars, and The Completely Mad Don Martin books (24)
- Mad Presents The Whitest Kids U' Know (special advertising section)
- Monroe and... The Recall
(written by Anthony Barbieri / Tom Fowler art / color by Ryan Flanders) (33-36)
- Ad for Subscription with bonus #43 print offer (37)
- When the Morbidly Obese Go Bad (John Caldwell) (38-39)
- Mad's Juvenile Kid Nation Outtakes (40-42)
- Ad for Absolutely Mad DVD (44)
- The Strip Club (45-48)
- Happy Hour Candidate Rundown (Ted Rall) (50)
- Man Vs. Wild... At The Mall (TV satire) (written by David Shayne / Hermann Mejia art) (51-54)
- What The Heck is the Difference? (featuring cover #331) (55)
- Fold-In -- What unqualified, smug goofball was, thankfully,
banned from running for president in 2008? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
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