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Devlin, Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Glen LeLievre, Hermann Mejia, Kevin Pope)
- Castro Comments: brutal dictatorship memorabilia
- Less Popular Conspiracy Theories (written by Jeff Kruse)
- Fundalini Asks "What If...?" - What If Barack Obama were a Zombie? (Hermann Mejia art)
- Least-Listed Items on the Average American's "Bucket List" (written by Jeff Kruse)
- Highlights from the Pope's Visit to Yankee Stadium (written by Desmond Devlin)
- Defenses to Use When You're Sued by the Music Industry for Illegal Downloading
(Peter Bagge art)
- The Fast 5 - Easter Candies Still Left on the Shelf (written by Jeff Kruse)
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Pet Care (written by Desmond Devlin / Kevin Pope art)
- LeLievre and Let LeLievre - lion feeds on gazelle, hears disembodied voice (Glen LeLievre)
- Revelations Left Out of the Tell-All Tom Cruise Biography (written by Jeff Kruse)
- How to Tell a Terrorist from a Regular Schmoe (Tom Bunk art)
- Pitches Made in Hollywood Now that the Writers' Strike is Over (written by Jeff Kruse)
- Bitterman - hormone driven teenagers (Garth Gerhart)
- What The Heck is the Difference? (featuring cover #326) (11)
- Slomantha? Who Cares! (TV satire) (written by Dick DeBartolo / Tom Richmond art) (12-16)
- An AT&T Commercial We'd Like to See (written by Desmond Devlin / Drew Friedman art) (17)
- Other Kids Book Secrets Revealed Now That Dumbledore Has Been Outed
(written by Jeff Kruse / Gary Hallgren art) (18-20)
- Hello, I'm Barack. And I'm H.C. (ad parody) (Hermann Mejia art) (21)
- If Different Comedians Told the Same Joke: Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?
(written by Harrison Greenbaum / Jason Seiler art) (22-23)
- Bad News Bare-Asses - Baseball Has Rules. Not That These A-holes Care. (poster) (Sam Sisco art) (24-25)
- Ad for Mad Kids (26-27)
- Planet TAD!!!!! (written by Tim Carvell / Brian Durniak art) (28-29)
- A Mad Look At Doctors (Sergio Aragones) (30-33)
- Mad's Do-It-Yourself 24 Season 7 Plotline
(written by Darren Johnson / Rick Tulka art / color by Wildstorm FX) (34-35)
- Signs You've Chosen the Wrong Spring Break Destination (John Caldwell) (36-37)
- Spy vs. Spy - overcoming superstitions (Peter Kuper) (38)
- Monroe and... Extreme Makeover
(written by Anthony Barbieri / Tom Fowler art / color by Ryan Flanders) (39-42)
- Hello, I'm Barack. And I'm H.C. (ad parody) (Hermann Mejia art) (43)
- Mad's Washed-Up Lost Outtakes (44-45)
- Things We'll Probably Overhear at the Upcoming Barry Bonds Trial...
(written by Jeff Kruse / Paul Coker, Jr. art) (46-47)
- Fold-In -- Where does everyone agree the level of patient care is deplorable? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
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