Mad #99 December 1965
- Cover Artist: Norman Mingo
- Ad for It's a World, World, World, World Mad paperback (C2)
- Contents Page (1)
- "When it comes to absorbing information,
some people are like blotters: they soak it all in, but they get it all backwards!" -- Alfred E. Neuman
- Letters (2-3)
- Ads for Subscriptions - "Are you bugged by the little monsters who clip every copy from the newsstands?" (sculpture by Giuseppe Baggi), Aurora A. E. Neuman Model Kit, Alfred E. Neuman portraits, Christmas Grab Bag with Mad Follies #3, paperbacks
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas (summary)
**various places around the magazine
- When Politicians Do TV Commercials (Jack Rickard art)
(written by Ronald Axe and Sol Weinstein) (4-7)
- Don Martin Proudly Presents Three Hairy Stories (8-9)
- At the Barbershop
- In a Home
 - In Another Home
- Mad's Snappy Answers to Those Old Clichés
(written by Stan Hart / Paul Coker, Jr. art) (10-12)
- The Virginiaham (TV satire)
(written by Lou Silverstone / Mort Drucker art) (13-17)
- Boxing Foto-Plays (written by Arnie Kogen)
(UPI and World Wide photos) (18-20)
- Mad Interviews the Greeting Card Manufacturer of the Year (written by Stan Hart / Joe Orlando art) (21-24)
- Spy Vs. Spy - tunnel feet frogs /
guard dogs (Antonio Prohias) (25)
- Let's Humanize Those Automated Machines
(written by Stan Hart / Bob Clarke art) (26-27)
- The Lighter Side of Moving (Dave Berg) (28-31)
- A Celebrity's Wallet - Soupy Sales
(written by Arnie Kogen / Bob Clarke art) (32-33)
- Spy Vs. Spy - cake crash /
rodeo rhinos (Antonio Prohias) (34)
- A Mad Guide to the Wildlife of Our American Highways
(written by Frank Jacobs / Bob Clarke art) (35-37)
- Horror Movie Scenes We'd Like to See (38-39)
 (written by Don (Duck) Edwing / Jack Davis art)
- Spy Vs. Spy Vs. Spy - swinging spies /
amusement ride (Antonio Prohias) (40)
- The Rime of the Modern Surfer - with apologies to
Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (written by Tom Koch / Don Martin art) (41-44)
- Football "In Depth" (TV satire) (George Woodbridge art)
(written by Ronald Axe and Sol Weinstein) (45-48)
- Fold-In -- What Wild Frenzy Will
Future College Students Face? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
- Back Cover -- The Day They Forgot to Put the Top
Down for the Hertz Commercial (Irving Schild photo)
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