* |
S |
Subscription Ad - "You don't have to go begging" |
78 - Apr 1963 |
S |
Subscription Ad - "Looking for a bargain?" |
79 - Jun 1963 |
S |
Subscription Ad - "How does this strike you?" |
80 - Jul 1963 |
S |
Subscription Ad - "Teed off" |
81 - Sep 1963 |
S |
Subscription Ad - "Here we go with the same old jazz"
82 - Oct 1963 |
S |
Subscription Ad - "Why fiddle around?" |
83 - Dec 1963 |
S |
Subscription Ad - "Are you bugged by the little monsters who have every copy sewed up at the newsstands?" |
93 - Mar 1965 |
S |
Subscription Ad - "Are you bugged by the little monsters who clean every copy off the newsstands?" |
94 - Apr 1965 |
S |
Subscription Ad - "Are you bugged by the little monsters who make you miss that last newsstand copy by a hair?" |
95 - Jun 1965 |
S |
Subscription Ad - "Are you bugged by the little monsters who weed out every last copy from your newsstand?" |
96 - Jul 1965 |
S |
Subscription Ad - "Are you bugged by the little monsters who short out the supply of Mad at the newsstands?" |
97 - Sep 1965 |
S |
Subscription Ad - "Are you bugged by the little monsters who bolt down to the newsstands and wrench every last copy of Mad off the shelves?" |
98 - Oct 1965 |
S |
Subscription Ad - "Are you bugged by the little monsters who clip every copy from the newsstands?" |
99 - Dec 1965 |
S |
Subscription Ad - "Are you bugged by the little monsters who pluck every copy off the newsstands?" |
101 - Mar 1966 |
O |
Subscription Ad - "Some folding money will guarantee you a whale of a good time!" |
Irving Schild |
110 - Apr 1967 |
O |
Subscription Ad - "Pull some folding money out of your kitty and avoid a cat-tastrophe at your newsstand!" |
Irving Schild |
111 - Jun 1967 |
O |
Subscription Ad - "For just a little folding doe you don't have to go out in the rein, deer!" |
Irving Schild |
112 - Jul 1967 |
O |
Subscription Ad - "For just a little folding money you don't have to monkey around at the newsstands!" |
Irving Schild |
113 - Sep 1967 |
O |
Subscription Ad - "For just a little folding money, you don't have to hound the newsstands!" |
Irving Schild |
114 - Oct 1967 |
O |
Subscription Ad - "For just a little folding money you don't have to be frozen out at the newsstand!" |
Irving Schild |
115 - Dec 1967 |
O |
Subscription Ad - "Tired of dragging your tail down to the corner newsstand?"
Irving Schild |
117 - Mar 1968 |
O |
Subscription Ad - "For just a little folding money you don't have to fish around at the newsstands!" |
Irving Schild |
118 - Apr 1968 |
O |
Subscription Ad - "For just a little folding money you don't have to slop around with those hogs at the newsstands!" |
Irving Schild |
119 - Jun 1968 |
O |
Subscription Ad - "Just shell out a little folding money, and you won't have to stick your neck out at the newsstand again!" |
Irving Schild |
120 - Jul 1968 |
O |
Subscription Ad - "Looking for the latest Mad? Silly goose! For just a little folding money you don't have to gander at the newsstands!" |
Irving Schild |
121 - Sep 1968 |
O |
Mad Origami Zoo of Cliche Creatures |
Frank Jacobs |
129 - Sep 1969 |