Mad #361 September 1997
- Cover Artist: Sam Viviano
- Ad For Subscriptions - Got Mad?
(Richard Williams art from #343) (C2)
- Contents Page (1)
- Letters (photo of Sergio Aragones and Jack Davis
with National Cartoonist Society Reuben Awards) (2-3)
- Robert Frankel - New York, NY
- Melinda Lee-Van Bossuyt, Douglas, Graysun the llama - Newberg, OR
- Gary
- Monique Sorkin - ShiRon, Israel
- Celebrity Snap with #356 -
Nate Smith (with Fred Barnes) - Alexandria, VA - Paul Dalton - Bangor, PA
- Ad for Special #123 September 1997 - Mad Poster Special
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas
**various places around the magazine
- The Last Word on Jurass-Has-Had-It Park (movie satire)
(written by Dick DeBartolo / Paul Coker, Jr. art) (4-9)
- Introducing The Microvalue Beer of the Month Club
(written by Anthony Barbieri / James Warhola art) (10-11)
- Spy vs. Spy - ad signboard becomes target
(written by Bill Janocha / Peter Kuper art) (12-13)
- If Clinton and Yeltsin Held Their
Summits in a Private Online Chat Room (written by Andrew J. Schwartzberg / Rick Tulka art) (14)
- Why Uncles are Better than Dads (15-17)
(written by Anthony Barbieri / John Caldwell art)
- Get a New Psychiatrist if...
(Al Jaffee art) (written by Desmond Devlin and Butch D'Ambrosio) (18-20)
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Higher Education
(written by Desmond Devlin / Kevin Pope art) (21-23)
- The Ballad of Bubba Bill
(with apologies to Rudyard Kipling) (written by Frank Jacobs / Gerry Gersten art) (24-25)
- What Exercise Machines
are Really Used For (Tom Cheney) (26-27)
- Monroe &... The Divorce
(written by Anthony Barbieri / Bill Wray art) (28-30)
- The Lighter Side of... (Dave Berg) (31-34)
- The Mug Shot Everyone Wanted to See But Didn't...
(Marv Albert) (AP & Wide World photo) (35)
- Monopoly Cards That Reflect the
Way Business is Really Done Today (written by John Prete / Sam Viviano art) (36-37)
- A Mad Look at Amusement Parks (Sergio Aragones) (38-40)
- Blood, Honor & Three Credits -
My Internship With the Calamari Crime Family (written by J. Michael Shade / Drew Friedman art) (41-44)
- Video Arcade Personalities - Volume I
(written by Sean Eisenporth / Tom Bunk art) (45-47)
- Mad's Celebrity Cause-Of-Death Betting Odds: Paula Jones
(written by Mike Snider / Thomas Fluharty art) (48)
- Fold-In -- What could Bill and Hillary be doing
when they leave The White House? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
- Back Cover -- The Day Sports Endorsements Went Too Far
- Tiger Woods at the PGA Championship (written by John Caldwell / Mort Drucker art)
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