Mad #485 January 2008
- Cover Artist: Mark Fredrickson
- Contents Page (1)
- Letters (2,4,6)
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas
**various places around the magazine
- The Fundalini Pages (Dick DeBartolo, Desmond Devlin,
Harrison Greenbaum, Glen LeLievre, Hermann Mejia, Todd Nauck, Bob Staake, Don Vaughan) (IMPORTANT NOTE) (8-10,12)
- Fundalini Asks "What If...?" -
What If the British Royal Family Ran a Carnival?
- Diary of a Wii Owner (Bob Staake art)
- The Fast 5 - Things Overheard After Henry Hager
Proposed to Jenna Bush (Hermann Mejia art)
- LeLievre and Let Die! -
Toggle cover for large/small views
watercooler goldfish (Glen LeLievre)
- The Godfrey Report
- Tips to Avoid Identity Theft: A Fundalini Consumer Fraud Feature (written by Dick DeBartolo)
- Mad's Sketchy Comedy Outtakes from 30 Rock
- Graphic Novel Review - The Amazing Spider-Man: Irreversible Terminal Demise, Vol. 1
(written by Desmond Devlin / Todd Nauck art)
- Ad for Spy vs Spy 2 - The Joke and Dagger Files, The Mad War on Bush,
Mad About Star Wars, and The Completely Mad Don Martin books (11)
- The Mad 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2007 (introduction page) (13)
- 1. Michael Vick's Bad Newz Kennel - "Michael & Me" -
(Marley & Me book cover parody) (written by Jeff Kruse / Mark Fredrickson art) (14)
- 2. Bush Breaks Presidential Record For Time Off - (Lincoln Memorial parody)
(written by Desmond Devlin / Mark Stutzman art) (15)
- 3. Don Imus - "NappyQuest" - (MapQuest parody) (written by Dave Croatto) (16)
- 4. Britney Spears - "Britney and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year" -
(Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day book parody) (Gary Hallgren art) (18-19)
- 5. Walter Reed Army Hospital Scandal - "G.I.Woe - Forgotten Warrior" - (G.I.Joe toy parody) (20)
(written by Jacob Lambert / G.I. Woe figure by Dave Croatto / Irving Schild photos)
- 6. The Anna Nicole Smith Paternity Trial - "Three Men and Anne Nicole's Baby" -
(Three Men and a Baby movie poster parody) (Mort Drucker art) (22)
- 7. Paris Hilton - "Let's Go - Guide to Paris 2007 Prison Edition" (travel book parody) (23)
- 8. The Crazy Diapered Astronaut - "Unrequited Luvs" (ad parody)
(written by Scott Maiko / Charles Akins art) (24)
- 9. The Giant Chinese-Made Toy Recall - "Recalled Toys-R-Us" (ad slick parody)
(written by Matthew A. Cohen and Jason Schneider) (26)
- 10. Isaiah Washington Bashes Homosexuals - "Homo Phobe" -
(Home Alone movie poster parody) (Richard Williams art) (27)
- 11. Keith Richards Sniffs His Father's Ashes - "Snorting News" -
(Sporting News magazine cover parody) (written by Jacob Lambert / Mark Fredrickson art) (28)
- 12. Scooter Libby - "Mad Libbys" - (Mad Libs book parody) (written by Jacob Lambert) (29)
- 13. The Sopranos Finale -
"Alternate Sopranos Endings That Would Have Been Better" (Tom Richmond art) (30-31)
- 14. The Creation Museum - "Night at the Creation Museum" -
(Night at the Museum movie poster parody) (written by Josh Eiserike / Hermann Mejia art) (32)
- 15. If I Did It By O.J. Simpson -
"If We Did It - Confessions on the Ways We'd Kill O.J." (Drew Friedman art) (33)
- 16. Lindsay Lohan - "Lindsay - Fully Loaded" -
(Herbie- Fully Loaded movie poster parody) (written by Nick Danzi / Scott Bricher art) (34)
- 17. Alberto Gonzales - "Looney Times: Alberto 'Sleazy' Gonzales" -
(Looney Tunes: Speedy Gonzales TV poster parody) (Steve Smallwood art) (35)
- 18. Senator Craig In The Bathroom Stall - "There's Something About Larry" -
(There's Something About Mary movie poster parody) (Mick Coulas art) (36)
- 19. Tainted Pet Food - Fold-In (Al Jaffee) (37)
- 20. Sanjaya Malakar - "Really Freakin' Bad" -
(Bad - Michael Jackson album cover parody) (Scott Bricher art) (38)
- Ad for Subscription with bonus #43 print offer (17)
- Ad for Mad Classics #20
- Planet TAD!!!!! (written by Tim Carvell / Brian Durniak art) (40-41)
- Spy vs. Spy - palm tree top slides down / general's shoulder pad rig (Peter Kuper) (42-43)
- What The Heck is the Difference? (featuring cover #276) (44)
- A Mad Look At Dancing With The Stars (Sergio Aragones) (45-48)
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