Mad #365 January 1998
- Cover Artist: Joe DeVito
- Border Artist: Rick Tulka
- Ad For Subscriptions - Got Mad?
(Richard Williams art from #343) (C2)
- Contents Page (1)
- "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
There are also very few archery contests!" -- Alfred E. Neuman
- Letters (stills from The Simpsons "The Simpsons in New York" episode feature Bart visiting the Mad offices) (2-3)
- Lora Lee Jessome - Nova Scotia, Canada
- Mad - G.Downs, MansonPimp, FrancPierc, CHSONWIRE, CRAPATT, Chuk188113, BoneBrown, Whits2, Gargravar, Hoov40
- Elissa Nelson - Bayside, CA
- Dave Trabilsy - Woodridge, IL
- Alfred featured in NY Times Crossword Puzzle
- Ad for Super Special January 1998 #126 -
Readers' Choice
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas
**various places around the magazine
- Christmas Carols for Dysfunctional Families
(written by Frank Jacobs / Tom Bunk art) (4-6)
- Sure Signs Your Job Interview Isn't Going Well
(written by Don Jacobs / Al Jaffee art) (7)
- James Bond Villains' Pet Peeves

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