Mad #400 December 2000
- Cover Artist: Robert Silvers
- Ad for Subscriptions (Kelly Freas art from #52) (C2)
- Pull My Cheney - Assisted
Suicide Foundation (Tom Cheney)
- Contents Page (1-3)
- Ad for Mad Cover to Cover book
- Letters (plug for signed 400th cover
limited-edition lithographs) (4-5)
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas (summary)
**various places around the magazine
- Forcefully Palm (ad parody)
(written by Arie Kaplan / Irving Schild photo) (6)
- The Untold History of Mad Magazine
 (written by Desmond Devlin / Scott Bricher, Drew Friedman, Al Jaffee, Sergio Aragones, Paul Coker, Jr., Angelo Torres, Tom Richmond art) (7-16)
- A Mad Look at TV (Sergio Aragones) (17-19)
- Monroe &... A Day With Dad
(written by Anthony Barbieri / Bill Wray art) (20-23)
- Pull-Out 400th Issue Photomosaic Poster
(Robert Silvers art) (24-25)
- You're Probably Not Heading to College If...
(John Caldwell) (26-27)
- "Internet Ready Keyboard" Icons That Tell It Like It Is
(written by Dick DeBartolo / Tom Bunk art) (28)
- What Drives You Mad? (29-32) (John Kascht art)
(celebrity responses from Adam Carolla, Jimmy Kimmel, Winona Ryder, Tom Wolfe, Greg Grunberg, Bob Guccione, Jr., Senator Frank Lautenberg, Senator Wayne Allard, Senator Susan Collins, Representative Barney Frank, Kevin Smith, Mort Walker, Fred Schneider, Jason Alexander)
- The Lighter Side of... (Dave Berg) (33-36)
- Sexually Palm (ad parody)
(written by Arie Kaplan / Irving Schild photo) (37)
- Spy vs. Spy - trampoline eject reverser
(written by Dave Croatto / Peter Kuper art) (38-39)
- More Contractual Obligations We'd
Like to See Some Celebrities Agree To (written by Russ Cooper / Mort Drucker art) (40-42)
- Goodnight Room
(written by Desmond Devlin / Jack Syracuse art) (based on Margaret Wise Brown's Goodnight Moon) (43-47)
- Mad's Celebrity Cause-Of-Death Betting Odds:
Vince McMahon (written by Mike Snider / Jon Weiman art) (48)
- Fold-In -- What Magazine is Celebrating a
Milestone With Much Fanfare? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
- Back Cover -- Sickly Palm (ad parody)
(written by Arie Kaplan / Irving Schild photo)
Click for sample!
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