delays card game (Tom Cheney)
- The Godfrey Report
- 3 Quick and Easy Things King Kong Could Do to Improve His Image (John Caldwell)
- The Fast 5 - PBS's New Conservative Direction (Grey Blackwell art)
- Scary Threats... Scarrier Realities (Rick Tulka art)
- Monkeys Are Always Funny - with Tom DeLay
- MySpace By the Numbers
- Yoga For Smokers (Gary Hallgren art)
- New On DVD! The Sisterhood of the Traveling Implants
- Graphic Novel Review - The Thoroughly Updated, All-Inclusive Handbook
to the Marvel Universe (written by Desmond Devlin / Tom Fowler art)
- Adults Only Chat Lines (Irving Schild photos)
- The 25 Worst Things About Christmas (written by Jeff Kruse / Paul Coker, Jr. art) (10-12)
- Go Fetch! (Tom Bunk art) /
Ads for Mad Kids, Spy vs. Spy Jr Action Collectible Race Cars (13,14,16,17)
- A Progress Report From ExxonMonopoly (ad parody) (written by Dick DeBartolo) (18)
- Monroe and... The Mystery Cream - Part Two (written by Anthony Barbieri / Bill Wray art) (19-21)
- A Mad Look at Alien Invasions (Sergio Aragones) (22-24)
- The Mad 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2005! (introduction page) (29)
- 1. Huricane Katrina - "Where's W?" -
(Where's Waldo? book parody) (written by Jeff Kruse / Doug Holgate art) (30)
- 2. Tom Cruise's Self-Destruction - "Mission: Insufferable" -
(Mission: Impossible movie poster parody) (written by Desmond Devlin / Mort Drucker art) (31)
- 3. There Goes the Bride, Jennifer Wilbanks -
"Runaway Bride" - (Modern Bride magazine cover parody)
(written by Charlie Kadau and Joe Raiola / Scott Bricher art) (32)
- 4. Russell Crowe's Telephone Tantrum -
"Crowe-Magnon Man's Early Attempt at Communication" - (museum display parody)
(written by Joe Raiola / Irving Schild photos / sculpture by Liz Lomax) (33)
- 5. Karl Rove - "Lil' Leaker" (toy parody)
(sculpture by Anthony Cipriano / Irving Schild photos) (34)
- 6. Prince Harry - "When Harry Went Nazi" - (When Harry Met Sally movie poster parody)
(written by Dave Croatto / Richard Williams art)
- 7. Dave Chappelle - "Comedy Central Resents: Chappelle's Season 3 No-Show" (36)
- 8. Pat Robertson Calls for the Assassination of Venezuelan President Chavez -
(parody of photo of Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald) (37)
- 9. Scam Artist Gives Wendy's the Finger - "Lawsuit Helper" -
(Hamburger Helper ad parody) (written by Scott Maiko / Scott Bricher art) (38)
- 10. Rafael Palmeiro Testifies Negative, Tests Positive - "King Con" -
(King Kong movie poster parody) (James Bennett art) (39)
- 11. The Terri Schiavo Media Circus - "The Most Shameless Show On Earth" -
(circus poster parody) (Tom Richmond art) (40-41)
- 12. Michael Jackson's Touching Tale -
"An Open Letter to My Billions of Fans and Supporters" (written by Desmond Devlin) (42)
- 13. Brajelina - "ArchRival Comics" -
(Archie Comics comic book cover parody) (written by Justin Tyler / Jack Syracuse art) (43)
- 14. Teen Queens' Extreme Weight Loss - "Lean Girls" -
(Mean Girls movie poster parody) (written by Paul Gilligan / Hermann Mejia art) (44)
- 15. Saddam Photographed in Jail - "The Adventures of Captive Underpants" -
(The Adventures of Captain Underpants book cover parody) (written by Desmond Devlin) (45)
- 16. Dr. James Dobson's Right-Wing Group Outs SpongeBob -
"The Sinister Hidden Agendas of Today's Cartoon Characters" (written by Arie Kaplan) (46)
- 17. Paula Abdul Alleged Affair with an American Idol Contestant (Tom Nick Cocotos art) (47)
- 18. Kevin Federline - "Whut Tuh Expect When Yer Expectin'" -
(What to Expect When You're Expecting book cover parody)
(written by Scott Maiko / Richard Williams art) (48)
- 19. Teaching Evolution in Schools Controversy - Fold-In (Al Jaffee / idea by Megan Ganz)
What controversial relationships are many teachers now having to deny? (49)
- 20. The A-List of A-Holes - "The Biggest Losers" - (Drew Friedman art) (50-51)
- Spy vs. Spy - toilet flush slingshot (Peter Kuper) (52)

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