Mad #497 January 2009
- Cover Artist: Mark Fredrickson
- Contents Page (1)
- "Many students believe originality means being the first
to plagiarize an author's work!" -- Alfred E. Neuman
- Letters (photo of Joe Biden with #495) (2,4,6)
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas
**various places around the magazine
- The Fundalini Pages (Scott Bricher, Tom Bunk, Pete Croatto, Dick DeBartolo, Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse, Kevin Pope, Adam Rust, P. C. Vey) (IMPORTANT NOTE) (8-10)
- Practical Uses for Your Gas-Guzzling SUVs
(Adam Rust)
- Celebrity Cause-of-Death Betting Odds - Jessica Alba
- Food Myths You Just Shouldn't Believe
(written by Jeff Kruse / Kevin Pope art)
Toggle cover for large/small views
- Vey To Go! - paying classmates (P. C. Vey)
- Video Game Review - Guitar Tech Hero (written by Pete Croatto)
- Bitterman - boy scout tries to return found wallet (Garth Gerhart)
- Signs Your Bank is in Big Trouble (Tom Bunk art)
- Where the $750 Billion Government Bailout Funds are Going
- The Mad 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2008 (introduction page) (11)
- 1. Sarah Palin - "Clueless" - (Clue board game parody)
(written by Desmond Devlin / Richard Williams and Scott Bricher art) (12-13)
- 2. China's Poisoned Products - "got Chinese milk?" - (got milk? ad parody) (Scott Bricher art) (14)
- 3. The Massachusetts Teen Pregnancy Pact - "The Sisterhood of the Unzipped Pants" -
(The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movie poster parody) (written by Jacob Lambert / Scott Bricher art / Irving Schild photos) (15)
- 4. The Pregnant Man - (Hallmark Father's Day card parodies)
(Charles Akins and Teresa Burns Parkhurst art) (18)
- 5. O.J. Simpson - "2008 Heistman Trophy"
(written by John Caldwell / sculpture by Hermann Mejia / Irving Schild photos) (19)
- 6. Hillary Clinton's White House Campaign - "I Can Do It! / Can I Do It? / I Couldn't Do It!" -
(We Can Do It! - WWII U.S. propaganda poster parody) (Mark Stutzman art) (20)
- 7. Celebrity Moms and Dads - "Bad Parenting" -
(Parenting magazine cover parody) (Irving Schild photos) (22)
- 8. Rev. John Hagee - "Hägee The Horrible" -
(Hägar The Horrible comic strip parody) (written by Nate Fakes / Gary Hallgren art) (23)
- 9. The Economic Collapse - "The Loan Wars" -
(The Clone Wars TV poster parody) (Tom Richmond art) (24)
- 10. Wesley Snipes' I.R.S. Troubles - "Incarcerated: TurboTax Federal Penitentiary" -
(Intuit: TurboTax Federal Forms software parody) (written by Frank Santopadre) (29)
- 11. Amy Winehouse - "Back to Crack" -
(Back to Black album cover parody) (written by Scott Maiko) (30)
- 12. John McCain's Ugly Campaign - "Fright Club" - (Fight Club movie poster parody) (31)
- 13. Texas Polygamy Wives - "Texas Polygamist Sect Barbie Dream Compound Playset" -
(toy parody) (written by Justin Tyler / figures by Dave Croatto / Irving Schild photos) (32)
- 14. Rev. Jeremiah Wright - "Pulpit Friction" - (Pulp Fiction movie poster parody)
(written by Frank Santopadre / Drew Friedman art) (33)
- 15. Brett Favre Unretires - "The Favre Side" -
(The Far Side comic parody) (Gary Hallgren art) (34)
- 16. Jesse Jackson Rants on Obama - "The Jesse Jackson Nutcracker" (ad parody)
(written by Josh Eiserike / Liz Lomax sculpture) (36)
- 17. The Yanked Rachael Ray Ad - "Scarf Farce" -
(Scarface movie poster parody) (written by Jacob Lambert) (37)
- 18. Bigfoot Discovered - "The Incredible Hoax" -
(The Incredible Hulk comic book cover parody) (Ty Templeton art) (38)
- 19. Celebrity Sex Scandals - "Crotchmen" -
(Watchmen graphic novel cover parody) (written by Jacob Lambert / Glenn Fabry art) (40)
- 20. Stunt Day in the Park with Blaine - (A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte -
Georges Seurat painting parody) (written by Jacob Lambert / James Warhola art) (41)
- The Mad 20 Hall of Fame Inducts George W. Bush (Mark Fredrickson art) (42-43)
- Ad for Mad Magazine Poster Book with bonus #166 offer (21)
- Ad for tons of Mad merchandise (39)
- Signs You'll Grow Up to be a Degenerate Gambler (John Caldwell) (44-45)
- A Mad Look At Hard Times (Sergio Aragones / David Rodriguez) (46-48)
- Spy vs. Spy - pie pepper sneeze (Peter Kuper) (49)
- It's a Good Brand Name... and a Bad Brand Name... (written by Jeff Kruse / Paul Coker, Jr. art) (50-51)
- Fold-In -- What important inhabitant from the north was in over their head this year? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
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