Mad #500 June 2009
- Cover Artist: Mark Fredrickson
- Contents Page (editor John Ficarra thanks former editors
Harvey Kurtzman, Al Feldstein, Nick Meglin and Jenette Kahn along with the 704 writers and artists (the Usual Gang of Idiots) who contributed to Mad Magazine up to #500 since 1952) (1)
- Letters - KISS Celebrity Snap (2,4,6)
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas
**various places around the magazine
- Mad Factoids **various places around the magazine
- The Fundalini Pages (8-10,12-15)
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- The Notorious A.I.G. (ad parody) (Scott Bricher art) (11)
- 500 Issues of Mad: A Visual History - Mad Issues 1-100 "Murmurs and Mumblings" (Sergio Aragones, Dave Berg, Bob Clarke, Jack Davis, Mort Drucker, Will Elder, Frank Frazetta, Kelly Freas, Phil Hahn, Al Jaffee, Lester Krauss, Harvey Kurtzman, Don Martin, Nick Meglin, Norman Mingo, Joe Orlando,
Antonio Prohias, Don Reilly, Jack Rickard, Irving Schild, Margaret Szep, Basil Wolverton, Wally Wood, George Woodbridge) (16-17)
- The Dead Celebrity Apprentice (TV satire) (written by Desmond Devlin / Tom Bunk art) (18-23)
- Spy vs. Spy vs. Spy - burning room hologram (Peter Kuper) (24-25)
- 500 Issues of Mad: A Visual History - Mad Issues 101-200 "Days of Triumph, Nights of Turpitude"
(Sergio Aragones, Neal Barbera, Gilbert Barnhill, Dave Berg, Max Brandel, Bob Clarke, Paul Coker, Jr., Jack Davis, Dick DeBartolo, Earle Doud, Mort Drucker, Phil Hahn, Frank Jacobs, Al Jaffee, Don Martin, Norman Mingo, Bob Muccio, Harry North, Esq., Sidney Paulson, Antonio Prohias, Jack Rickard, May Sakami, Semi, Larry Siegel, Angelo Torres, George Woodbridge) (26-27)
- Planet TAD!!!!! (written by Tim Carvell) (28-29)
- A Mad Look At Marginals -
"500 of my favorites from the past 46 years!" (Sergio Aragones / color by Tom Luth) (30-33)
- 500 Issues of Mad: A Visual History - Mad Issues 201-300 "Snatched Glory and Bruised Knuckles"
(Sergio Aragones, Dave Berg, Bob Clarke, Paul Coker, Jr., Russ Cooper, Jack Davis, Dick DeBartolo, Desmond Devlin, Mort Drucker, Don (Duck) Edwing, Will Elder, John Ficarra, Gerry Gersten, Tom Hachtman, Stan Hart, Frank Jacobs, Al Jaffee, Charlie Kadau, Tom Koch, Arnie Kogen, Harvey Kurtzman, Don Martin, Harry North, Esq., Paul Peter Porges, John Pound, Antonio Prohias, Joe Raiola, Jack Rickard, Irving Schild, Larry Siegel, Greg Theakston, Angelo Torres, Rick Tulka, Sam Viviano, Richard Williams, George Woodbridge) (34-35)
- A Message to the Republican Party from Rush Limbaugh (poster) (Jack Syracuse art) (36)
- The Strip Club (37-41)
- 500 Issues of Mad: A Visual History - Mad Issues 301-400 "The Rush to Antietam" (Sergio Aragones, Anthony Barbieri, James Bennett, Dave Berg, Jonathan Bresman, Tom Bunk, John Caldwell, Tom Cheney, Henry Clark, Bob Clarke, Paul Coker, Jr., Jack Davis, Dick DeBartolo, Desmond Devlin, Mort Drucker, Don (Duck) Edwing, Sean Eisenporth, Brian Farrelly, Sean Farrelly, John Ficarra, Drew Friedman, Michael Gallagher, Gerry Gersten, Stan Hart, Frank Jacobs, Al Jaffee, Charlie Kadau, Arie Kaplan, Tom Koch, Arnie Kogen, Peter Kuper, Kevin Pope, Joe Raiola, Frank Santopadre, Irving Schild, Andrew J. Schwartzberg, Mike Snider, Bob Staake, Mark Stutzman, Peter Sun, Angelo Torres, Rick Tulka, Sam Viviano, James Warhola, George Woodbridge, Bill Wray) (42-43)
- Great Art Masterpieces and What They Would Be Saying Today (written by Adam Rust)
(art works by Jacques-Louis David, Francisco Goya, Edward Hopper, Gustav Klimt, Michelangelo, Edvard Munch, Myron, Pablo Picasso, Norman Rockwell, Georges Seurat) (44-45)
- Mad Googles Google's Headquarters (written by Ryan Pagelow) (46)
- Subscription Ad - "Jeffrey Lozenge" dressed as a viking
(written by Joe Raiola / Irving Schild photos) (47)
- Insanity Claws: An Unhealthy Obsession with Wolverine (written by Desmond Devlin) (48-49)
- 500 Issues of Mad: A Visual History - Mad Issues 401-500 "Beginnings" (3/Design Studio, Ray Alma, Sergio Aragones, Peter Bagge, Anthony Barbieri, Scott Bricher, Tom Bunk, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Kenny Byerly, John Caldwell, Paul Coker, Jr., Russ Cooper, Dave Croatto, Dick DeBartolo, Desmond Devlin, Mort Drucker, Brian Farrelly, Sean Farrelly, Mark Fredrickson, Drew Friedman, Marc Hempel, Al Jaffee, Charlie Kadau, Arie Kaplan, Arnie Kogen, Jeff Kruse, Peter Kuper, Scott Maiko, Josh Malinow, Hermann Mejia, Roberto Parada, Joe Raiola, Tom Richmond, Irving Schild, Timothy Shamey, Stan Sinberg, Sam Sisco, Mike Snider, Scott Sonneborn, Jack Syracuse, Angelo Torres, Rick Tulka, P. C. Vey, Richard Williams, Bill Wray) (50-51)
- Ad for tons of Mad merchandise (52)
- The Bailout Hymn of the Republic (written by Frank Jacobs)
(Mort Drucker, James Warhola, Gerry Gersten, Tom Richmond, Angelo Torres, Harry North, Esq., Richard Williams, Hermann Mejia art) (53-55)
- The Mad Guide to Man Boobs (written by Ryan Pagelow / Drew Friedman art) (56)
- Fold-In -- What horrible blight has terrorized Americans relentlessly? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
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