- Rejected Fortune Cookies
- AOL Start-Up Screens We'd Like To See (written by Jeff Kruse)
- Biographical Facts About Santa's Other Eight Reindeer (written by Jeff Kruse / Anton Emdin art)
- Questions We'd Love to See a Trainer Ask a Woozy NFL Player
(written by Jeff Kruse / Tom Bunk art)
- The Mad 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2014 (Mick Coulas intro page art) (9)
- 1. The NFL's Domestic Violence Problem - "Goodell Fellas" - (Goodfellas move poster parody) (10)
- 2. Ebola Hysteria - "Are you suffering from Ebola symptoms?" - (CDC poster parody) (11)
- 3. The GM Recall Debacle - "The Fault in Our Cars" -
(The Fault in Our Stars movie poster parody) (written by Matt Lassen /
Scott Bricher art) (12)
- 4. The Militarization of the Police Department - (The Runaway Norman Rockwell painting parody)
(written by Desmond Devlin / Richard Williams art) (13)
- 5. Target's Security Breach - "unbeatable prices! (very beatable encryption system!)" -
(ad parody) (written by Darren Johnson) (14)
- 6. Obama Caught Off Guard - "Be Un-Prepared! Join the Barack Scouts of America" -
(We, Too, Have a Job to Do - Norman Rockwell poster parody) (Richard Williams art) (15)
- 7. The "Booty Trend" - "Behinds the Music" -
(Behind the Music TV poster parody) (Hermann Mejia art) (16)
- 8. Where has the lack of proper drugs caused misery, suffering and sometimes death? -
Fold-In (botched executions) (Al Jaffee) (17)
- 9. American Apparel's CEO Pervert - "Charney and the Clothing Factory" -
(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book parody) (written by Jason Katzenstein and Dan Abromowitz / Gary Hallgren art) (18)
- 10. Hillary Clinton Cries Poverty - "1 Broke Girl" - (2 Broke Girls TV poster parody) (19)
- 11. The Washington Redskins Stand By Their Name -
(apology letter to fans from Redskins' owner, Daniel Snyder) (written by Desmond Devlin) (20)
- 12. Chris Christie's Traffic Scandal - "Grand Shaft Auto: New Jersey" -
(Grand Theft Auto game cover parody) (Ward Sutton art) (21)
- 13. CNN's Endless Flight Coverage - (flight safety card parody) (Timothy Shamey art) (22)
- 14. Cliven Bundy's Standoff - "A Million Ways to Lie in the West" -
(A Million Ways to Die in the West movie parody poster) (written by Desmond Devlin / Tom Richmond art) (23)
- 15. Rick Perry's "Intelligent" New Look - "Everybody Loves Rick Perry's Smart-Guy Glasses" -
(as seen on TV ad parody) (written by Mike Morse) (24)
- 16. White House Security Breaches - "Better Homes unGuarded" -
(Better Homes and Gardens magazine cover parody) (Scott Bricher art) (25)
- 17. Putin Invades Ukraine - "Vlad Agrees: Red Bully Equals Agression" -
(Red Bull Equals Energy ad parody) (idea by Matt Lassen) (26)
- 18. Donald Sterling's Racist Rant - "Sports Segregated: Man of the Year 2014" -
(Sports Illustrated magazine cover parody) (Drew Friedman art) (27)
- 19. The Iraq War "Experts" - "Guardians of the Fallacy" -
(Guardians of the Galaxy movie poster parody) (written by Lance Hansen / Mark Fredrickson art) (28-29)
- 20. The V.A. Hospital Scandal - "Tomb of the Untreated Soldier" -
(Tomb of the Unknown Soldier national monument parody) (written by Alison Grambs / Mark Stutzman art) (30)
- Ad for a few Mad books (31)
- 8 Keys to Becoming a More Effective Supervillain (John Caldwell) (32-33)
- Ad for tons of Mad books (34-35)
- A Mad Look At The Old Testament (Sergio Aragones / color by Tom Luth) (36-39)
- Planet TAD!!!!! (written by Tim Carvell) (40-41)
- The Mad Vault Article From #325 -- Every Single New Year's Eve...
(written by Desmond Devlin / Tom Bunk art) (42-43)
- Spy vs. Spy - elastic taser wires spring gun / sewer gator up through attache case (Peter Kuper) (44-45)
- Ad for Mad's Greatest Artists - Don Martin - Three Decades of His Greatest Works (46)
- The Strip Club (47-50)
- Chilling Thoughts - 2014 Edition (written by Desmond Devlin / Evan Dorkin and Sarah Dyer art) (52-53)
- The Best of The Idiotical (stuff from Mad's blog) (54-55)
- The Obama "HOPE" Poster Updated for 2014
- 6 Reasons fo Netflix's Stock Plunge
- Other Products Toys "R" Us Should Ban
- The Startling Similarites and Differences
Between Oscar Pistorious and Oscar De La Renta
- Starbucks' New Delivery Slogans
- Mad Presents Great Moments in Government (Richard Williams art from #414 cover)
- Mad Asks... Where is Kim Jong-Un
- White House Unveils Deadly New Security System
- One Evening at the White House (Tom Richmond art) (56)
- Ad For Subscriptions with #126 bonus print (C3)
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