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- 5. Academy Award Show Screw-Up -
"It Came From the Wrong Envelope!" (horror movie poster) (Chris Wahl art) (14)
- 6. Trump on Twitter - "Tweeties" - (Wheaties cereal box parody) (Mike Loew art) (15)
- 7. Sean Spicer, White House Press Secretary - "Spicer's Rack" (16)
- 8. Trump vs. Kim Jong-Un - "Clash of Clowns" - (Clash of Clans mobile game parody)
(Tom Richmond art) (17)
- 9. Mike Pence Won't Dine Alone With a Woman - "Supperman" - (Superman comic cover parody)
(written by Jeff Kruse / R. Sikoryak art) (18)
- 10. Trump Bans Transgender Soldiers - "I Don't Want You" -
(I Want You For U.S. Army - J. M. Flagg's recruitment poster parody) (Richard Williams art) (19)
- 11. Trump's Muslim Travel Ban - "trumpelocity" - (travelocity website parody)
(written by Charlie Kadau / sculpture by Liz Lomax) (20)
- 12. Harvey Weinstein - "For Your Consideration -
Most Disgusting Performance by a Major Studio Executive" (Drew Friedman art) (21)
- 13. Chris Christie Closes Jersey Beaches - "Scandals" -
(Sandals resort ad parody) (Roberto Parada art) (22)
- 14. Bill Maher and Kathy Griffin's Tasteless Jokes - "Tone-Deaf Comedy Jam" -
(Def Comedy Jam parody) (23)
- 15. Alex Jones - "Infowars Jones and the Babble of Conspiracies" - (Indiana Jones poster parody)
(Mark Stutzman art) (24)
- 16. Kyrie Irving Says the Earth is Flat (Anton Emdin art) (25)
- 17. White House Staff Firings - "The Let-Go Movie" - (The Lego Movie poster parody)
(Dean MacAdam art) (26)
- 18. What widespread addiction in America is whirling out of control? - Fold-In (Al Jaffee) (27)
- 19. NFL Blackballs Kaepernick - "I had a team" - (Martin Luther King Jr. I had a dream speech)
(written by Desmond Devlin / Ward Sutton art) (28-29)
- 20. Trump's Response to Puerto Rico - "Tyrant of the Caribbean" -
(Pirates of the Caribbean poster parody) (Alejandro Rivas art) (30)
- Dewey Derwin Destroys the World! "Natural Disaster"
(written by Kenny Keil / Justin Peterson art) (31-34)
- Clodco Wholesale (ad parody) (written by Jeff Kruse / Mike Loew art) (35)
- Projectile Vomit Baby Through History (Scott Nickel) (36-37)
- Tinder Bio Translations (written by Kenny Keil / Stephen Silver art) (38-39)
- Ad for tons of Mad books (40-41)
- Spy vs. Spy - blender / treadmill / grave coffin plans (Peter Kuper) (42-43)
- The Mad Vault Article From #305 -- Why We Get the Holiday Blahs
(written by Barry Liebmann / George Woodbridge art) (44-46)
- The Strip Club (47-49)
- 10 Toons by Teresa Burns Parkhurst (50-51)
- A Mad Look at Food Trucks (Sergio Aragones / color by Tom Luth) (52-55)
- The Gap-Toothed Gallery: Alfred E. Neuron (Michael DeForge) (56)
- Ad for Mad About Trump (C3)
- Back Cover -- Important Bike Safety Tips (written by Dick DeBartolo / John Martz art)
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