Mad #448 December 2004
- Cover Artist: Mark Fredrickson
- Contents Page (1)
- Letters (2,4,6)
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas
**various places around the magazine
- The Fundalini Pages (Ray Alma, Charles Akins, Scott Bricher, Dick DeBartolo, Desmond Devlin, Michael Gallagher, Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Scott Maiko, Patrick Merrell, Jerry Ordway)
- The Cover We Didn't Use - We Scour The Spongebob
Movie (written by Michael Gallagher / Ray Alma art)
- The Godfrey Report
- Learning About Homeland Security Threat Levels
Has Never Been Easier... or More Delicious
Toggle cover for large/small views
- Bitterman - Thanksgiving blessings
(Garth Gerhart)
- Classified Ads
- Highly Specialized Hallmark Cards for Niche Markets
- Suggested Phrases for the New Talking Donald Trump Doll
- This Year's 25 Worst Selling Holiday Gifts
- Magazine Corrections You May Have Missed -
wrong wedding day description from Modern Bride (written by Jeff Kruse)
- The Puzzle Nook - "no ---ws is good news" (Patrick Merrell)
- Graphic Novel Review - Infinite Secret Crisis On All Earthly Worlds
(written by Desmond Devlin / Jerry Ordway art)
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at The Incredibles Studio
(written by Matthew A. Cohen / Jack Syracuse art) (12-14)
- Ad for Mad Racing NHRA NASCAR Action Collectibles (15)
- Official Contestant Application for America's Next Top Model
(written by Carmen Lynch / Hermann Mejia art) (16-17)
- 15 Minutes of Fame - Mad's Latest Batch of Has-Beens (written by Frank Jacobs / Sam Sisco art) (18-21)
- Michael Eisner's Powerpoint Presentation For Saving Disney
(written by Desmond Devlin / Al Jaffee art) (22-23)
- Spy vs. Spy - fall through footprints to rats (Peter Kuper) (24)
- A Second-Rate Etiquette Guide to Trailer Trash Dating (John Caldwell) (26-28)
- Monroe and... the Reunion (written by Anthony Barbieri / Bill Wray art) (33-36)
- The Mad World of... School (written by Stan Sinberg / Marc Hempel art) (38-40)
- A Mad Look at Fear Factor (Sergio Aragones) (41-44)
- Socially Redeeming Features Added to Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas
(written by Butch D'Ambrosio / Francis Mao, Eugene Wang, Gabe Graziani, George Hu - of Gamepro art) (45-48)
- Britney Spears' Wedding Evite (written by Jacob Lambert / Drew Friedman art) (50-51)
- Spy vs. Spy - printing presser (Peter Kuper) (52)
- When Spider-Man Goes Completely International (written by David Shayne) (53-58)
- Cosmetic Surgeons Without Borders (written by Paul Rosa / Drew Friedman art) (59)
- Spy vs. Spy Ad for Mountain Dew (60)
- Fold-In -- What developing news story has many Americans totally transfixed? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
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