Mad #471 November 2006
- Cover Artist: Mark Stutzman
- Contents Page (1)
- Letters (2,4,6)
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas
**various places around the magazine
- The Fundalini Pages (John Caldwell, Desmond Devlin,
Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse, Glen LeLievre, Scott Maiko, Hermann Mejia, Kevin Pope, Adam Rust, Frank Santopadre, Steve Smallwood, Angelo Torres) (IMPORTANT NOTE) (8-10)
- Problems That Arise Every Halloween (John Caldwell)
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Online Music
(written by Desmond Devlin / Kevin Pope art)
- Good News Coming Out of Iraq
Which the Media isn't Covering... (written by Jeff Kruse / Hermann Mejia art)
- The Fast 5 - Least Popular Brochures
At Your Doctor's Office (written by Jeff Kruse)
- LeLievre and Let Die -
new boogie man (Glen LeLievre)
- The Godfrey Report
- Bitterman - relating to a tranny (Garth Gerhart)
- Classified Ads
- Paint Like the Masters - Norman Rockwell
(First in a Series) (Adam Rust)
- Least Downloaded Podcasts (Angelo Torres art)
- Self-Defense For Altar Boys
- The Meldalini Pages (Charles Akins, Jeff Kruse,
Jacob Lambert, Scott Maiko, Tom Richmond) (IMPORTANT NOTE) (12-13)
- The Amazing Racist - Starring Mel Gibson
- Mel Gibson's Drink 'n' Say (Charles Akins art)
- Saddam Sez:
- Mel Gibson's Apology
(First Draft) (written by Jeff Kruse)
- The Cover We Didn't Use
- One Afternoon On Pacific Coast Highway
(Tom Richmond art)
- Red State Monopoly... Blue State Monopoly
(written by Elizabeth White / Steve Smallwood art) (sculpture by Anthony Cipriano) (14-17)
- The 18 Worst Things About Halloween
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