Mad #474 February 2007
- Cover Artist: Mark Fredrickson
- Subscription Ad - "Jeffrey Lozenge" dressed as a bride
(written by Joe Raiola / Irving Schild photos) (C2)
- Contents Page (1)
- Letters (photo of Sharon Osbourne with #420) (2-4)
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas
**various places around the magazine
- Ad for Mad Classics 2006 Yearbook - February 2007 (5)
- The Fundalini Pages (Dick DeBartolo, Desmond Devlin, Todd Eisner, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Glen LeLievre, Adam Rust, Benjamin Schultz, Sam Sisco, Rick Tulka, P. C. Vey) (IMPORTANT NOTE) (6-8)
Toggle cover for large/small views
"The KKKramer"
- The Godfrey Report
- Vey To Go! - last snack (P. C. Vey)
- Monkeys Are Always Funny - as ringbearer at the wedding of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
- Rush Limbaugh's Thoughts on Other Celebrities Who Are Suffering
(written by Jeff Kruse / Sam Sisco art)
- The 5 Fast 5's (written by Jeff Kruse / Rick Tulka art)
- Good Things About Being Adopted by Madonna
- George Bush's Possible New Slogans for the Inevitable Troop Withdrawal from Iraq
- Fun Facts About the U.S./Mexico Border Wall
- Lines Edited Out of O.J. Simpson's Book
- Newly Released Congressional Page I.M. Responses to Mark Foley
- Paint Like the Masters - Andy Warhol (Second in a Series) (Adam Rust)
- Graphic Novel Review - How to Draw Comics The New Yorker Way
(written by Desmond Devlin / Glen LeLievre art)
- SPEA(RED) - Kevin "K-Fed" Federline (Gap ad parody) (Mark Fredrickson art) (9)
- War Cliches: Completing the Sentences (written by Jeff Kruse / Mort Drucker art) (10-11)
- Ad for Mad Kids (12)
- A Mad Look At The Amazing Race (Sergio Aragones) (13-16)
- FI(RED) - Donald Rumsfeld (Gap ad parody) (Mark Fredrickson art) (17)
- Mad's Inspirational Animal Stories (third in a series) - The Eye of a Kitten
(written by Brian McConnachie / Leonardo Rodriguez art) (18-19)
- The Multifaceted Upside Of Having A Multiple Personality Disorder In School (John Caldwell) (20-21)
- Other Inconvenient Truths About Global Warming That Al Gore Didn't Mention
(written by Darren Johnson / Peter Kuper art) (22-23)
- Other Rules Inspired By The 5 Second Rule (written by John Samony / Jose Garibaldi art) (26-28)
- Monroe and... The School Dance (written by Anthony Barbieri / Tom Fowler art) (29-32)
- DISAPPEA(RED) - Osama Bin Laden (Gap ad parody) (Mark Fredrickson art) (33)
- Mad's All-Inclusive Do-It-Yourself Public Apology (written by Frank Jacobs / Mort Drucker art) (34-35)
- Practical Uses For The Diet Coke/Mentos Formula (Tom Cheney) (36-37)
- Spy vs. Spy - caveman wheel weapon (Peter Kuper) (38-39)
- ABHOR(RED) - O.J. Simpson (Gap ad parody) (Mark Fredrickson art) (40)
- The Strip Club (41-44)
- Foolastic Book Club (written by Dave Croatto / Scott Bricher and Gary Hallgren art) (45-48)
- Fold-In -- Who's been manipulating pages in
despicable and embarrassing ways for far too long? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
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