Mad #502 January 2010
- Cover Artist: Mark Fredrickson
- Contents Page (1)
- Letters (Family Guy episode features Don Martin character) (plug for Sergio Aragones's retrospective exhibition
at The Ojai Valley Museum in Ojai, California) (2,4,5,7) (Toonseum at the Children's Museum of Pittsburgh honors Tom Richmond with "The Mad Art of Caricature" exhibit)
- Ad for Subscriptions (Kelly Freas art from #52) (3)
- Ad for calendar and books (6)
- Sergio Aragones Drawn-Out Dramas
**various places around the magazine
- The Fundalini Pages (8-10,12)
- Celebrity Cause-of-Death Betting Odds -
Kate Gosselin
- LeLievre and Let LeLievre -
Toggle cover for large/small views
- Ice Cream Truckers (TV ad parody) (written by Dave Croatto) (11)
- The Mad 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2009 (introduction page) (13)
- 1. The Canonization of Michael Jackson -
(Mark Stutzman art - Saint Michael in stained glass) (14-15)
- 2. Corporate Bailouts - (Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima photo parody)
(Hermann Mejia art) (16)
- 3. Jon and Kate Plus 8 - "Family Guise" - (Family Guy TV poster parody) (Jack Syracuse art) (17)
- 4. Henry Gates Arrested in Own Home - "Ultimate Stereotyping Championship" -
(Ultimate Fighting Championship TV ad parody) (Tom Richmond art) (18)
- 5. Dick Cheney Won't Shut Up - "Dixter" - (Dexter TV poster parody) (written by Jeff Kruse) (19)
- 6. Angry Town Hall Meetings - (parody of Norman Rockwell's Freedom of Speech painting)
(written by Jeff Kruse / Richard Williams art) (20)
- 7. Jim Cramer's Stock Predictions - Fold-In (Al Jaffee) (21)
- 8. David Letterman Caught With His Worldwide Pants Down -
(Michelangelo's David parody) (22)
- 9. Baseball's Ongoing Scandal - "Commemorate Baseball's Biggest Scandal with
The Official MLB Piss Cup Collection" (ad parody) (Scott Bricher art) (23)
- 10. The Octomom - "The Suleman Family Circus" -
(The Family Circus comic strip parody) (Gary Hallgren art / color by Carl Peterson) (24-25)
- 11. Bernie Madoff's Ponzi Scheme - "Scumbag Billionaire" -
(Slumdog Millionaire movie poster parody) (written by Jeff Kruse) (26)
- 12. Minnesota Senate Race -
"Democra-Cialis is Here" - (Cialis ad parody) (Roberto Parada art) (27)
- 13. Glenn Beck - "Act Like a Lunatic, Think Like a Maniac" -
(Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man book cover parody) (Mort Drucker art) (30)
- 14. Chris Brown Assaults Rihanna - "You're a Bad Man, Chris Brown" -
(Peanuts - Charlie Brown comic strip parody) (31)
- 15. Obama's Senate Seat For Sale - "The Untrustables" -
(The Untouchables movie poster parody) (Drew Friedman art) (32)
- 16. Kanye West - "VMA-Hole Award" - (Hermann Mejia art) (33)
- 17. Cheating Celebs - "Adultery Swim's 'The Adventure Boners'" -
(Adult Swim's 'The Venture Bros.' TV poster parody) (Sam Viviano art) (34)
- 18. Alaska Loses its Governor, Sarah Palin -
"Blunder Woman" - (Wonder Woman comic book cover parody) (written by Jacob Lambert / J. Scott Campbell art / color by Nei Ruffino) (35)
- 19. Michael Phelps Smokes Pot - (High Times magazine cover parody) (36)
- 20. Michael Jackson's Doctor, Conrad R. Murray - "Killer" - (Thriller album cover parody) (37)
- Mad 20 Addendumb - More Random Acts of Dumbness (38)
- The Sergio Aragones 2010 Calendar (28-29)
- Monroe and… The Job (written by Anthony Barbieri / Tom Fowler art / color by Carl Peterson) (39-41)
- Planet TAD!!!!! (written by Tim Carvell / various photos) (42-43)
- Spy vs. Spy - fairy tale wolf in bed (Peter Kuper) (44-45)
- Board Game-Based Movies We'll Soon Be Seeing
(written by Jacob Lambert / Tom Richmond art) (46-47)
- A Mad Look At The Great Recession (Sergio Aragones / color by Tom Luth) (48-51)
- Ad for tons of Mad merchandise (52)
- The Mad Vault - 1988 (reprinted excerpts from Al Jaffee, Frank Jacobs, Mort Drucker, Tom Koch,
Gerry Gersten, Richard Williams, James Warhola, Billy Doherty, Sam Viviano, Stan Hart, Angelo Torres, Charlie Kadau, Bob Clarke, Mike Snider, Lou Silverstone, John Prete, Paul Coker, Jr., Christopher Allen, Don (Duck) Edwing) (53-55)
- What the Heck is the Difference? - Twilight: New Moon Poster (56)
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