Mad #505 October 2010
- Cover Artist: Mark Fredrickson
- Contents Page (1)
- Letters (photo of Conan O'Brien enjoying MAD) (2,4-6)
- The Spy vs. Spy Mega Mini Kit and Subscriptions ads (3,5)
- Sergio Aragones Drawn Out Dramas
**various obscure places around the magazine
- Ad for Subscriptions with bonus #96 print offer (7)
- The Fundalini Pages (8-12)
- Celebrity Cause of Death Betting Odds -
Charlie Sheen (Sam Viviano art)
- A Sex Tape We Hope We Never See - Betty White
(written by Arie Kaplan)
- The Stupid Six - How Other Jobs Are Going Green
(written by Jeff Kruse)
- Skateboarding Term or BP Cleanup Tactic?
Toggle cover for large/small views
- Glee Blows - A Mad Public Service Announcement (13)
- Tea-Bagger Proof that Obama is a Terrorist/Socialist
(written by Stan Sinberg / Hermann Mejia art) (14-15)
- A Mad Look At Racial Profiling (Sergio Aragones / color by Tom Luth) (18-21)
- Worst-Selling Children's Books (written by Jeff Kruse / Scott Bricher art) (22-23)
- Spy vs. Spy - satelite vs. drone / ladder gun (Peter Kuper) (24-25)
- Inspirational Wall Plaques That Never Caught On (written by Jeff Kruse) (26-27)
- Planet TAD!!!!! (written by Tim Carvell / Brian Durniak art) (28-29)
- 9 Ways to Pass the Time in Your Doctor's Waiting Room (Teresa Burns Parkhurst) (30-31)
- Mad's Oh-So Negative True Blood Outtakes (32-33)
- A Letter From BP (ad parody) (written by Dick DeBartolo) (34)
- The Strip Club (35-38)
- If Jesus Walked Among Us - The Gulf Coast (Richard Williams art) (39)
- TMZzz (website parody) (written by Jacob Lambert / various photos) (40-41)
- Rejected Stamp Collections (written by Jeff Kruse / Bob Staake and Drew Friedman art) (42-43)
- The Darker Side of The Lighter Side (Dave Berg originals / uncredited altered dialogue) (44-46)
- The Wizard of O (written by Desmond Devlin / Tom Richmond art) (47-52)
- The Mad Vault - 2001 (reprinted excerpts from (James Bennett, Mark Fredrickson, Tom Cheney,
Roberto Parada, Mort Drucker, Richard Williams, C. F. Payne, Norman Mingo, Desmond Devlin, Mike Snider, Rick Tulka, George Woodbridge, Tom Richmond, Scott Maiko, Hermann Mejia, John Caldwell, Don (Duck) Edwing, Brian Farrelly, Sean Farrelly, Irving Schild, Arnie Kogen, Ray Alma) (53-55)
- It Happened One Morning (written by Michael Gallagher / Tom Bunk art) (56)
- Fold-In -- What stratospheric condition caused many not to fly this year? (Al Jaffee) (C3)
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