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Spy vs. Spy - Fight to the Finish - Peter Kuper - 2013
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Cover Artist:
Peter Kuper
(art from
Writer and Artist for the majority
of the following articles:
Peter Kuper
(other writers noted below)
dove of peace bomb
boom barrier cannons fire
shadow stabber
beach nose mask missile
lunch box porcupine
sidewalk obstacle course
dummy astronaut h-bomb
art museum mobile chopper
snakes in fake tree trunk
helium tank hides h-bomb
hypnotist dynamite
cannonball up through tank turret
overcoming superstitions
nitroglycerine tattoo ink
psychiatrist back-stabber
(written by
Michael Gallagher
spy statue with real gun
flower pot missile
caveman wheel weapon
multi-stage break-away arsenals
crane wrecking ball balloon
false rocket cylinder
spring-heeled mast cannon
white flag axe
brick wall camouflage
attack of the clones smasher
(idea by
Jonathan Bresman
giant thumb imprint
guillotine nose stab
high-voltage light chain pull
pie pepper sneeze
border fence springboards
elevator weight limit exceeded
last resort gate chop
rocket net trap
angry falcon
chivalry leads to manhole
fairy tale wolf in bed
spider monkeys
last request guillotine
diving board smash
elastic formula
cycle jumper chopper gate
rotating cannon
slapping billboard arms
sharpened elevator doors
(written by
Don (Duck) Edwing
retirement home walker trap
bathroom gun/hairdryer shock
comic-con disguise
train track mouse trap
trampoline eject reverser
(written by
Dave Croatto
burning room hologram
palm tree top slides down
general's shoulder pad rig
helicopter target
Ad for Spy vs. Spy books
art gallery mobile becomes spy
umbrella thief meets bus
3-D screening lure
cellphone snapper
satelite vs. drone
ladder gun
kite tracker
sword gun
giant microwave
bus stop missile
rube goldberg fail and win
rock rocket
wiki water leaks
window frame trap
suicide ploy
all fails but poison ivy
surfboard missile
bus stop teeter board
parking tow-truck car drop
submarine shark
bomb within airplane
safe vacuum
global warming freeze gun
fuse runs through spy
ski race rubber band finish
cannonball cord
plan-stealing traps
giant magnifying glass burn
land mine helicopter magnet
arrow raises wall
top secret magic paint
traffic signal falls on texter
bomb shelter flusher
rattle snake cane
remote control car mayhem
grenade door handle
manhole boxing glove
manhole puddle cover
club filled with acid
tethered fake spy
bed trap
building leaner
Attempted Short Descriptions Go To Original Source Issues
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